
n. 事件,事变;插曲


The incident of the other night is a nuisance that I can take care of.>>完整场景
We'll need them now. After the hospital incident, Sonny got mad.>>完整场景
And yet he loved the girls in his unspeaking way. His love mostly came out in awkwardness, for their delicacy frightened him. He was continually warning them about their health and trying to keep them wrapped up. Their recklessness almost stopped his heart at times—they were the kind of girls who would run out in the snow barefoot if they chose. He feared for them, and also feared the effect on his wife if one of them should die. Impervious to weather himself, he came to dread the winters for fear winter would take the rest of his family. Yet the girls proved as strong as their mother, whereas the boys had all been weak. It made no sense to Bob, and he was hoping if they could only have another boy, he would turn into the helper he needed.The only hand they had was an old Mexican cowboy named Cholo. The old man was wiry and strong, despite his age, and stayed mainly because of his devotion to Clara. It was Cholo, and not her husband, who taught her to love horses and to understand them. Cholo had pointed out to her at once that her husband would never break the mustang mare; he had urged her to persuade Bob to sell the mare unbroken, or else let her go. Though Bob had been a horse trader all his adult life, he had no real skill with horses. If they disobeyed him, he beat them—Clara had often turned her back in disgust from the sight of her husband beating a horse, for she knew it was his incompetence, not the horse’s, that was to blame for whatever incident had provoked the beating. Bob could not contain his violence when angered by a horse.>>完整场景
They rode through the Territory without incident, frequently seeing cattle herds on the move but always swinging around them. Dan Suggs had an old pair of spyglasses he had brought back from the war, and once in a while he would stand up in his stirrups and look one of the cattle outfits over to see if they contained enemies of his, or any cowboys he recognized.>>完整场景
Yet five days passed, and then a week, and he didn’t return. The herd crossed the Brazos without incident, and then the Trinity, and there was still no Gus.>>完整场景
“You saw me gathering it,” Po Campo said. “You should have watched better.” True to his principles, he had refused to ride the donkey or climb up on the wagon seat beside Lippy. “I better walk,” he said. “I might miss something.” “Might miss getting snakebit,” Lippy said. Since the incident on the Nueces he had developed such a terror of snakes that he slept in the wagon and even stood on the wagon seat to urinate.>>完整场景
“We’ve the Lord to thank for this bath,” she said. “I personally didn’t need it, but I’m bound to say it might work an improvement where you’re concerned. You ain’t as bad-looking as I thought, now that you’re nearly clean.” By the time she got to her back porch the rain was slackening and the sun was already striking little rainbows through the sparkle of drops that still fell. Pea had walked on home, the water dripping more slowly from his hat. He never mentioned the incident to anyone, knowing it would mean unmerciful teasing if it ever got out. But he remembered it. When he lay on the porch half drunk and it floated up in his mind, things got mixed into the memory that he hadn’t even known he was noticing, such as the smell of Mary’s wet flesh. He hadn’t meant to smell her, and hadn’t made any effort to, and yet the very night after it happened the first thing he remembered was that Mary had smelled different from any other wet thing he had ever smelled. He could not find a word for what was different about Mary’s smell—maybe it was just that, being a woman, she smelled cleaner than most of the wet creatures he came in contact with. It had been more than a year since the rainstorm, and yet Mary’s smell was still part of the memory of it. He also remembered how she seemed to bulge out of her corset at the top and the bottom both.>>完整场景
If we look at the ever-growing escort around the ship... they're taking no chances of a repeat of the San Diego incident.>>完整场景
But the board has used the incident to take control of InGen from me.>>完整场景
Amanda is smiling too. She had completely forgotten the incident.>>完整场景
I'm flattered, but I've taken this little adventure tour. And with the air restrictions they've imposed after the incident in San Diego, you can’t fly low enough to see anything of interest.>>完整场景
GRANT (cont'd) Or the incident in San Diego, which I'll remind you, I did not witness.>>完整场景
A lesson he learned after the Curtis Barnes incident, am I right?>>完整场景
Do you recall an incident involving a PFC Curtis Barnes who'd been found stealing liquor from the Officer's Club?>>完整场景
And that's why it had to be, poison, right, Commander? 'Cause Lord knows, if you put a man with a serious coronary condition back on duty with a clean bill of health, and that man died from a heart related incident, you'd have a lot to answer for, wouldn't you, doctor?>>完整场景
The same way you handled the Curtis Barnes incident? You're doing something wrong, Lieutenant this -->>完整场景
And am I further right in assuming that a protracted investigation of this incident might cause some embarrassment for the security counsel guy.>>完整场景
Two marines, Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey, entered the barracks room of a PFC William Santiago and assaulted him. Santiago died at the base hospital approximately an hour later. The NIS agent who took their statements maintains they were trying to prevent Santiago from naming them in a fenceline shooting incident. They're scheduled to have a hearing down in Cuba at 4: 00 this afternoon.>>完整场景
Since the unfortunate incident in Southeast Asia last week, Director Wynn has been meeting with several world leaders in an attempt to quell the proliferation of global conflicts.>>完整场景
453. I'm confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental incident.>>完整场景
And progressively, I fight back, and I got much stronger after that incident.>>完整场景
The incident you have just seen has been repeated at half a dozen bases in just the last few days.>>完整场景
Ever since the Omega incident... The military tribunal cleared him of all responsibility for what happened.>>完整场景
And it's supposed to be this low incident.>>完整场景
INT. MICHELLE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The door opens and they move in; it is in fact empty, though a mess. They move to the wall, where Aramis, after a little looking, locates the levers to open the wall/door to the King's secret passageway. Aramis enters first, the others follow. We half expect Michelle to pop up at any moment, but the Musketeers enter the passage without incident.>>完整场景