vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视
- Known that someone could kill you with a look. That someone could rescue you from grief. That God had put an angel on Earth just for you. And you wouldn't know how it felt to be her angel. To have the love be there for her forever. Through anything, through cancer. You wouldn't know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for two months holding her hand and not leaving because the doctors could see in your eyes that the term "visiting hours" didn't apply to you. And you wouldn't know about real loss, because that only occurs when you lose something you love more than yourself, and you've never dared to love anything that much. I look at you and I don't see an intelligent confident man, I don't see a peer, and I don't see my equal.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- EXT. RUINS - DAY Szpilman bolts into the doorway of a ruined building. He peers out to see Polish soldiers beginning to surround the ruined building, firing shots, lobbing in a grenade or two.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- Exhausted and trying to catch his breath, he gazes at the unopened tin. He peers through the darkness but sees nothing.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- INT. 2ND APARTMENT AND ADJOINING APARTMENT - DAY Smoke filling the room. Szpilman gets to his knees, peers through the smoke and sees that the wall separating his apartment from the one next door has been partially destroyed, with a large hole blasted in it. He stumbles into the next-door apartment and out of the front door.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- 110 ON THE BRIDGE, Captain Smith peers out at the blackness ahead of the ship. QUARTERMASTER HITCHINS brings him a cup of hot tea with lemon. It steams in the bitter cold of the open bridge. Second Officer Lightoller is next to him, staring out at the sheet of black glass the Atlantic has become.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- At 45, MOLLY BROWN is a tough talking straightshooter who dresses in the finery of her genteel peers but will never be one of them.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- INT. FARMHOUSE, CHILDREN’S BEDROOM - DAY Mia gets down on all fours and peers under April’s bed. She sees something that puzzles her. Takes a moment to register.>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
- Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script
- - Kind of want to peer around, like you want to peer around the side of the monitor to get a better view.
-有点想环顾四周,就像你想环顾显示器的侧面以获得更好的视野一样。>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script- INIGO:
- He watches them depart, then turns, peers down over the Cliffs. He watches a moment, then paces, shaking his hands loose. He practices a few of his honed fencing skills. He is a taut and nervous fellow, and has never been one for waiting around.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- “Now, Nellie, leave us be,” the gambler said. “We were about to go have a game.” Before the girl could answer, one of the mule skinners at the next table toppled backwards in his chair. He had gone to sleep with the chair tilted back, and he fell to the floor, to the amusement of his peers. The fall did not wake him—he sprawled on the saloon floor, dead drunk.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- But if he was married to the woman, the baby drooling on her bosom might be his. Clara felt a flash of annoyance, most of it with herself. She had already grown attached to the baby. She liked to lie in bed with him and watch him try to work his tiny hands. He would peer at her for long stretches, frowning, as if trying to figure life out. But when Clara laughed at him and gave him her finger to hold he would stop frowning and gurgle happily. Apart from the colic, he seemed to be a healthy baby. She knew the mother was probably still in Ogallala, and that she ought to take the child into town and see if the woman had had a change of heart and wanted her son, but she kept putting it off. It would be discouraging to have to give him up—she told herself if the mother didn’t want him bad enough to come and get him, then the mother was too foolish to have him. She reminded herself it was time she got out of the habit of babies. She wouldn’t be likely to get any more, and she knew she ought to figure out another way to keep herself amused. But she did like babies. Few things were as likely to cheer her up.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I left July,” she said. “I couldn’t do it. All I could think of was you, the whole time. I should have gone with you and not even tried it. I took a whiskey boat and then Zwey and Luke brought me in the wagon. I had a baby but I left it. I been coming back to you as quick as I could, Dee.” Dee kept trying to peer around them, as if he was sure there were more people than he could see. Finally he stopped trying, and looked at her. She was hoping for the old smile, but Dee didn’t have it in him to smile.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “It’s just Zwey,” she whispered. “Him and Luke brought me in the wagon.” “There ain’t nobody else?” Dee said, coming close to the bars and trying to peer out.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Because the grave’s our destination,” Mr. Sedgwick said. “Those who hurry usually get to it quicker than those who take their time. Now, me, I travel, and when I’ll get anywhere is anybody’s guess. If you two hadn’t come along I’d have likely stood there in the river for another hour or two. The moving waters are ever a beautiful sight.” Mr. Sedgwick turned and walked down the riverbank without another word. From time to time he squatted to peer closely at the ground.“I reckon he’s spotted a bug,” Joe said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Finally, they pass. Grant peers up, over the top root. He looks toward the trees, which the herd is now running alongside.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- They find the wrecked Explorer. Muldoon peers inside, looking for anything.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- Malcolm freezes as the rex bends down and peers right in through his window. The dinosaur's giant, yellowing eye is only slightly smaller than the entire pane of glass The T-rex pulls away slightly, then reaches down and BUMPS the car with its snout, rocking it.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- 64IN THE FRONT CAR, The rex strides around to the side of the car and peers down, from high above. Tim leaps into the front seat and pulls the driver's door shut. Both kids are terrified, breathing hard, unable to speak.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- One SCIENTIST moves a complicated drill apparatus next to the chuck of amber with a fossilized mosquito inside and BORES into the side of it. MR. DNA escapes through the drill hole as the Scientist moves the amber onto a microscope and peers through the eyepiece.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- Regaining his balance, Eric peers forward, but the fog prevents him from seeing more than fifteen feet ahead. There is an EERIE SILENCE. Eric calls out timidly.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- With Billy lagging, Grant approaches the stairs and peers down the circular opening in the floor. There is not much to see, just fog, a glint of sunlight.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- Something about this specimen catches Amanda’s attention. She bends forward, getting very close to the glass. She peers right into the eyes of the nightmarish creature. Then -- AN ACTUAL RAPTOR lunges at her form behind the tank. She SCREAMS.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- A troubled Grant peers through a windshield, partially caved in, like some giant head butted the glass. (Think back to Lost World) And the group finally approaches the front doors of an enormous building. As they head up the front steps, we see something in the distance behind them: CAT-LIKE MOVEMENTS on the high ridge. To fast to see what it was. But too ominous to dismiss.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- Brad drops to his knees, briefcase at his feet. From a distance, Donnie peers around a corner to watch him getarrested, knowing he f***ed this up.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script