
adv. 总是;永远,一直;常常


I don't know, I don't know... I have a feeling, that in a few years, people are gonna do, what they always do when the economy tanks.>>完整场景
Because they always, always do!>>完整场景
Yeah. Casey, I've always hated you because you were a prick in college and you are a prick today!>>完整场景
They're independent markets, they're not always correlated!>>完整场景
You always have mark!>>完整场景
Aaah, my eye-doctor is always busy I end up taking any appointment and my whole morning gets shot to hell!>>完整场景
He has so many numbers, and I always forget, which one he prefers, cause he's very specific!>>完整场景
James says I can always refinance!>>完整场景
No, no, no you say you always do adjustables and you have more than one loan on a property?>>完整场景
I always get option to pay adjustable, I'm a private contractor, I need the flexibility.>>完整场景
I always get option to pay adjustable.>>完整场景
There are always markers!>>完整场景
People hate to think about bad things happening so they always underestimate their likelihood.>>完整场景
It's housing... Housing is always stable... low-risk.>>完整场景
I've always been.. More comfortable..>>完整场景
Fashion Week is always held in New York.>>完整场景
l'll always love you.>>完整场景
And you know always, l always will.>>完整场景
l guess that if it's any consolation, l want you to know that that l always loved you, Michael.>>完整场景
l'll always help you.>>完整场景
l always have time to save souls.>>完整场景
But you're cousins, after all. Michael was always a little old-fashioned.>>完整场景
Oh, Mary, you're such a warm-hearted girl. You always were.>>完整场景
Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.>>完整场景
That's always been my fault.>>完整场景