adv. 总是;永远,一直;常常
- Don't take it for granted that "big shots" are always right.
不要想当然地认为“大人物”总是对的。>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding- Small potatoes are always looked down upon.
小人物总是被轻视。>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding- The guide should always have ten minutes of grace.
导游应该总是给自己留10分钟的余地。>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding- Many tourists always get confused with 5-yuan and 5-jiao bills, for they all have 5 on the bills.>> 11 Introduce Chinese Currency
- Warren had always used a phrase I really liked. He said, we make silk purses out of silk.>> we make silk purses out of silk
- One of the things that we must do is that we must be involved in working on achieving self mastery. You must work on yourself continuously. Never be satisfied with yourself, always know that as you invest the effort and time on you.That's the greatest ability that human beings have above animals.>> Motivate yourself in the morning
- You know you get your thoughts together, have a process in place for decision making. Don't allow yourself to become weaponized. Like at all you know or and don't have it to extend I have a temper. It works against you. You always have to end up apologizing.>> work hard but work smart
- You always have one excuse after another.>> Social Language
- There's always something new.>> Some business dialogue sentences
- Because news articles are always written with really good grammar ideally perfect grammar.
因为新闻文章总是用非常好的语法——最好是完美的语法——写的。>> 如何提升口语 how to speak english fluently without tranlsating in the mind- Postcards always spoil my holidays.
明信片总是破坏我的假期。>> Please Send Me a Card- WILL:
- Why is it always this? I owe it to myself? What if I don't want to?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- When it came to stuff like that I could always just play.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Why do we always stay here?>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- But I can always go to the other side.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- But I can always garbage out (writes frantically) All the way to "N" to the minus one.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- --But what he's doing, he's attaching an edge to the adjacent vertex. He can always failsafe to either side-->> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- No Will, I'm not kiddin' you. If I had gone to see that game I'd be in here talkin' abouta girl I saw at a bar twenty years ago. And how I always regretted not goin' over there and talkin' to her. I don't regret the eighteen years we were married. I don't regret givin' up counseling for six years when she got sick. I don't regret being by her side for the last two years when things got real bad. And I sure as Hell don't regret missing that damn game.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- It was great. There was always someone to play with, give you advice.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Well, there's this part of the movie that's about how there's always this tension on a first date where both people are thinking about what's going to happen with the whole 'good night kiss' thing.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- If you don't help them trust you -- then there's no way you'll ever get them to sleep with you. And that should be the goal of any good therapist. Insecure women, you know... nail 'em when they're vulnerable, that's always been my motto.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Cause f***in' Morgan's got a crush on her, we always go there and when we get to the window he never says a f***in' word to her, he never even gets out of the car, and she never gets our order right cause she's the goddamn MISSING LINK!>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- - I always wanted to go to Australia.>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- There's always Plan B.>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- That's the thing that you were always looking at, but it's actually there.>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script