
n. 齿轮;传动装置;装置,工具


They're stripping seats out of the planes, tossing out their own gear.>>完整场景
EXT. TRAIN STATION - DAWN Rafe and Danny stand on the platform. Rafe's got his gear packed in a bag slung over his shoulder.>>完整场景
Vito throws the truck in gear, and drives off.>>完整场景
The party gets going and is soon in full gear.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON THE RING Drew and Trevor are already inside, waiting. Drew fights in a mish mosh of gear (different colors, different makes), while Trevor is decked out in designer, personalized gear.>>完整场景
With suits and gear, that's another 500?>>完整场景
“The creek was up when I left him,” Pea Eye said. “I had to swim down past the Indians and I lost all my gear. Gus kept my pistol.” “Where was this?” Call asked.>>完整场景
“The wrong way,” he said. “If they get past them Sioux they’re lucky people.” July felt frantic. He had not even brought his rifle to town, or his bedroll or anything. They had a day’s start, though they were traveling in a wagon and would have to move slow. Still, he would lose another half day going back to the ranch to get his gear. He was tempted to follow with just his pistol, and he even rode to the east end of town. But there were the vast, endless plains. They had almost swallowed him once.>>完整场景
Augustus decided to rest while the old man worked. Such camp as there was was rudimentary. Aus had dug a little cave in one of the red bluffs south of the river, and his gear was piled in front of it. There was a buffalo gun and a few pots and pans, and that was it. The main crossing was a mile downriver, and Augustus rode down to inspect it before unsaddling.>>完整场景
“You might try to load that gear on them mules,” he said to Pea.>>完整场景
Louisa sighed. “You ain’t hopeless, but you sure ain’t feisty,” she said after a while, wiping the sweat off her face with the sleeve of her dress. “Let’s go see if the corn bread’s done.” She got up and went back around the house. Roscoe quickly got dressed and drug his gear around the corner, dumping it in a heap beside the door.>>完整场景
AS SOON AS THE SUN got high enough to be warm, Lorena spread their gear on trees and bushes to dry. It seemed astonishing to her that she was alive and unhurt after such a night. Her spirits rose rapidly and she was even reconciled to having to ride the pack mule. But Jake wouldn’t hear of that. His own spirits were low.>>完整场景
We loaded the car up with surfboards and climbing gear, and took off for a 10,000 miles trip down south.>>完整场景
Bunchemup, grab the gear.>>完整场景
- - but Muldoon SLAMS it back into gear and guns it. The T-rex gives up, fading into the distance.>>完整场景
They're bounced around pretty badly. Malcolm is knocked into the front, and in so doing knocks the gear shift into neutral. The engine RACES, the T-rex closes in again - - Losing ground now, the dinosaur makes a final lunge for the jeep and CRUNCHES into the left rear quarter panel - ->>完整场景
Here it comes! Stand on it! Fifth - stand on it, 5th gear, go!>>完整场景
Must go faster, go, go. Open it up, 5th gear, 5th gear!>>完整场景
Muldoon fumbles for the keys, turns the jeep over, and SLAMS it into gear. He drops the clutch, hits the gas, and tears ass out of there.>>完整场景
Although he doesn't look too convinced, he drops the car in gear and speeds off to the left.>>完整场景
DENNIS NEDRY runs from the fence back to his jeep, drops it in gear, and tears off down the park road. The rain is absolutely flowing down now, the road is rapidly turning to mud.>>完整场景
That's not the landing gear?>>完整场景
Naomi clicks off. And as Jordan puts the car in gear... JORDAN (V.O.) They say God protects drunks and babies. I was praying the same held true for drug addicts.>>完整场景
Lionel takes out the box of model building gear the boys left.>>完整场景
INT. ARMY AIRPLANE - NIGHT With a buzz cut and paratrooper gear, Edward squats with adozen other SOLDIERS. The noise of the ENGINES is deafening, but Edward is engrossed in an Asian phrasebook.>>完整场景