
n. 齿轮;传动装置;装置,工具


(between breaths) INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir forces the Pilots from their seats – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The INFLATABLE SLIDE BURSTS OPEN, DRAGGING on the asphalt, as the Pilots roll onto it, SCRAMBLING DOWN to the ground, ROLLING AWAY from the giant plane... INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir TURNS the stick HARD LEFT, AIMING AT THE REAR WALL OF THE FREEPORT – INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan lowers a ladder behind the forward landing gear – he and Mahir climb down – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Mahir and Rohan jump down onto the asphalt, racing back between the wheels as the giant plane SMASHES INTO THE BRICK WALL OF THE FREEPORT, ERUPTING IN A MASSIVE EXPLOSION... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The vault is ROCKED by the explosion – ALARMS SCREAM – DOORS START CLOSING – Neil looks, panicked, at the Staff Member –>>完整场景
The Protagonist turns back to the bomb... ‘0:32’, ‘0:31’. At the bullet hole the PUFF OF SMOKE THICKENS... the Protagonist, confused, REACHES towards it... the SWAT C*CKS his weapon... BLAM! With EXPLOSIVE FORCE THE BULLET HOLE DISAPPEARS – A NICK HAS APPEARED IN THE PROTAGONIST’S UNIFORM – he SPINS – the SWAT is SHOT THROUGH THE CHEST AND DROPS... revealing a FIGURE, also in a gas mask and tactical gear... The Figure TURNS – the Protagonist sees, on the Figure’s pack, a small TALISMAN – a COIN with a hole tied to a zip by ORANGE AND YELLOW THREAD – the Protagonist turns back to grab the bomb – ‘TARGET’ That wasn’t one of us.>>完整场景
INT. GOTHAM JUSTICE BUILDING. SITUATION ROOM - DAY The hunt for THE BAT-MAN has been kicked into high gear.>>完整场景
Pictures of LOEB and ESTRADA hang from the wall with duct tape. Crime fighting gear lays piled on the tables (and is that CHI-CHI's paper department store bag of money?).>>完整场景
With a painful effort, THE BAT-MAN puts the car in gear.>>完整场景
He's wearing the brightly colored SPORTS GEAR under his coat and the CATCHER'S MASK under his wide-brimmed hat.>>完整场景
She CRASHES into a table covered with LEATHER BONDS, RUBBER GEAR. MASKS.>>完整场景
Ass in gear, son! You're putting us behind! Tommy shoves the book in his back pocket and hurries over.>>完整场景
Well, I've been through there. Little Rock's a fine town. Now, go shake down your gear, see the platoon sergeant, draw what you need for the field.>>完整场景
LT. DAN You stick with me, you learn from the guys who been in country awhile, you'll be right. There is one item of G.I. gear that can be the difference between a live grunt and a dead grunt.>>完整场景
Lt. Dan starts to walk. Bubba and Forrest grab their gear and follow him.>>完整场景

Well...it seems Miss Soap was kind enough to join us! Line up ladies! Go! This isn't a bloody charity walk - get your arses into gear! MOVE! Soap and the other clear the log balance beams and duck underneath the arches.
What are you afraid of, Dad? That I'll fall head over heels for Joe -- well, I have -- as you did with Mom. (a moment) That's always been standard, whether you like or not.Parrish tries to get hold of himself, changes gear now.>>完整场景