
adj. 坏掉的;破碎的


All curses have broken.>>完整场景
And my neck is to be broken.>>完整场景
My curse will never be broken.>>完整场景
EXT. SKIES - BROKEN CLOUDS - DAY Rafe and Danny keep broken contact through the clouds, and settle in for the long run to China.>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The once-pristine hospital with its glowing white beds is now a bloody chaos. Every bed is already full; there are burned and broken people on the floor -- soldiers, sailors, civilians, firemen, all mixed in together. People are dying everywhere, and screaming in pain, or moaning and begging for help. At first we don't see Evelyn, and wonder if she survived the glass; then we see her, flecks of her own blood dotting her face and arms. The blood of soldiers on her surgical apron. A steel calm has replaced her earlier frenzy, even as the other nurses are breaking down.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY The battleship Arizona leaps into the air, the ship's spine is broken, it's guts ripped open in one explosive instant.>>完整场景
Rafe's Spitfire hits the broken fog over the water -- the Squad Leader loses sight of it for a moment -- and then the plane hits, splashing and exploding all at once.>>完整场景
You've been saying that the system is broken for years mark why are you so shocked?>>完整场景
They worship you but their hearts are broken, because they think you abandoned them.>>完整场景
He carries a check list, and makes marks with a pencil concerning the condition of his various buildings; a broken window here, some missing tile there. He bends over to pick up some garbage left by a thoughtless tenant, muttering to himself, when he sees the shoes and legs of a young worker.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) I know it was you, Fredo. You've broken my heart.>>完整场景
MICHAEL'S VIEW Shopkeepers happily luring the tourists into their shops in broken English. Havana is prosperous.>>完整场景
Tessio has broken the latch on the skylight of his building.>>完整场景
They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted; she kept her honor. So they beat her like an animal. When I went to the hospital her nose was broken, her jaw was shattered and held together by wire, and she could not even weep because of the pain.>>完整场景
Well, we need to be careful not to because... - Wait, hold on! Is it broken?>>完整场景
Just go out and live your life and get your heart broken and... Get out of mine!>>完整场景
''Talks between the Labor League and the Landowner's Association ''have been broken off.>>完整场景
...yeah, broken.>>完整场景
It's broken.>>完整场景
The Prince and the Count always insist on everyone being healthy before they're broken.>>完整场景
Don't make me laugh, I have broken ribs.>>完整场景
When Bolivar looked up and saw the Captain riding out of the sunset, he dropped the piece of crowbar, narrowly missing his foot. His return to Mexico had been a trial and a disappointment. His girls were married and gone, his wife unrelenting in her anger at his years of neglect. Her tongue was like a saw and the look in her eyes made him feel bad. So he had left her one day forever, and walked to Lonesome Dove, living in the house the gringos had abandoned. He sharpened knives to earn a living, which for himself was merely coffee and frijoles. He slept on the cookstove; rats had chewed up the old beds. He grew lonely, and could not remember who he had been. Still, every evening, he took the broken crowbar and beat the bell—the sound rang through the town and across the Rio Grande.>>完整场景
He rode the dun into Lonesome Dove late on a day in August, only to be startled by the harsh clanging of the dinner bell, the one Bolivar had loved to beat with the broken crowbar. The sound made him feel that he rode through a land of ghosts. He felt lost in his mind and wondered if all the boys would be there when he got home.>>完整场景
By the time he finally rode onto the little hill with the live oaks above the Guadalupe, the sign was about gone. The Latin motto, of which Augustus had been so proud, being at the bottom, had long since been broken off. The part about the pigs was gone, and the part about what they rented and sold, and Deets’s name as well. Most of Pea Eye’s name had flaked off, and his own also. Call hoped to save the plank where Gus had written his own name, but the rope he had tied the body with had rubbed out most of the lettering. In fact, the sign was not much more than a collection of splinters, two of which Call got in his hand as he was untying Gus. Only the top of the sign, the part that said “Hat Creek Cattle Company and Livery Emporium” was still readable.>>完整场景
Call walked out alone and knelt by the two men. Finally a few others joined him. Blue Duck was stone dead, his eyes wide open, the cruel smile still on his lips. Decker was broken to bits and spitting blood already—he wouldn’t last long.>>完整场景