
adj. 坏掉的;破碎的


I’ve spent the last three years workingto find out who you are. I’ve been shot and stabbed and trampled a fewtimes, had my ribs broken twice, butit’s all worth it to see you here, now, and to finally get to talk to you.>>完整场景
EXT. HILL OUTSIDE ASHTON - DAY Edward climbs up the last bit of the steep hillside, reachingthe mouth of a cave. Outside, buzzards squabble over theremains of the giant’s feast: broken barrels, bones pickedclean.>>完整场景
He steps on the porch. The boards SQUEAL and CREAK, but hecontinues on. A cat SCREAMS OUT from a broken wicker rocker.>>完整场景
We PULL BACK, and BACK, revealing more of the Gothicallycreepy house: its broken windows, strangling vines, andeerie gargoyles half-buried in the dirt. Even bats are afraid to fly over it.>>完整场景
I'm tryin' to light the dials here, but, uh... bottom line is, your TV's broken here.>>完整场景
And a brick comes down the chimney and crashes on top of the broken glass from the beer bottle.>>完整场景
Is anything broken?>>完整场景
Bruises? Broken bones?>>完整场景
The silence is broken by ROSS, who takes the two files, drops them into his briefcase, closes the lid, and snaps it shut.>>完整场景
There's some understandable tension in the room, broken by -->>完整场景
Records are made to be broken.>>完整场景
Is Cotton Belly broken?>>完整场景
Do you have any idea how many laws we've broken?>>完整场景
The latest word we get from the airport is that... quote, "all hell has broken loose out there. " It's just arrived, Peter.>>完整场景
We can see something else... 82 INT. MULTIPLEX/THEATER - MINNESOTA - 1996 - DAY 82 A loud, explosive action scene from Broken Arrow with John Travolta and Christian Slater fills the screen.>>完整场景
Ooo, Broken Arrow! Perfect dumb boy movie. Things that blow up!>>完整场景
He did not have a broken bone in his body.>>完整场景
And her trust got broken.>>完整场景
We have some broken radio batteries and jerry cans.>>完整场景
A refrigerator salesman, in a broken marriage.>>完整场景
220 INT. STOREROOM 220 Gordy's made progress, but hasn't broken through yet.>>完整场景
Gordy holds up the broken remains of his ice cream makeras Junior looks on.>>完整场景
He hasn't broken through. The building's coming down.>>完整场景
His twisted ankle is causing him great pain. He hobbles to a broken metal sheeting fence and looks through a gap into: 274 EXT. ALLEY - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 274 A boy, ALI, 10, is playing with a ball. Trying to look casual, JAMA steps bravely into the alley and calls to Ali.>>完整场景