
adj. 小的;短暂的;很少的;小巧可爱的


This ain't a little feud, Earl, it's World War Two!>>完整场景
SAILOR 2 Now listen, you'll hear a little thud when it hits the side of the ship.>>完整场景
That was a nice little stunt you pulled, buzzing the base.>>完整场景
If we achieve surprise, they will offer little resistance.>>完整场景
PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT appears, in a wheelchair, pushed by a huge black valet, GEORGE. The President's legs are shriveled, braced with the iron supports that attach to his shoes and are apparent beneath the cloth of his pin-striped pants. From the waist up Roosevelt is heavily muscled, powerful, and handsome even in his little spectacles. The valet rolls him to the head of the table; he's speaking even before he settles in.>>完整场景
He pushes the plane into a climb, his cockpit on the outside of the circle. The plane reaches the top of its arc, and almost stalls; but Rafe noses it over again, toward the earth, only this time he has very little altitude. The plane hurtles down, still with it belly on the inside of the curve... And makes it full circle. Rafe's head now is barely a foot off the asphalt as the plane shoots past, still inverted.>>完整场景
makes it a little less tedious... Bye now!>>完整场景
Try not to get too righteous and listen a little!>>完整场景
Ass! -You got a matching little Butler-boy you butt-f***!>>完整场景
We don't know, but deutsche is on the phone demanding payment call vennett, call that little sh*t!>>完整场景
The market is in an itsybitsy little gully right now>>完整场景
They call me chicken little.>>完整场景
Chris... Somewhere along the line, these Bs and bb's went from a little risky to dogshit.>>完整场景
But, they're a little risky, sometimes they fail.>>完整场景
Oh come on, live a little!>>完整场景
Keinszig... That little Swiss banker f***.>>完整场景
You could have lived a little longer.>>完整场景
l will do things ''right away,'' rather than in ''a little while''... Frederick Keinszig, known as ''God's Banker'', has been reported missing.>>完整场景
No, l need something a little closer.>>完整场景
Hey, the little kid! He's grown.>>完整场景
But you're cousins, after all. Michael was always a little old-fashioned.>>完整场景
Let me work to make your path a little easier.>>完整场景
l remember a shooting when l was little.>>完整场景
We should wet our beaks a little.>>完整场景
l've earned you all money. l've made you rich and l asked for little.>>完整场景