
adj. 小的;短暂的;很少的;小巧可爱的


l'd like a little pin from the Pope.>>完整场景
But l do have a little surprise. Al?>>完整场景
We'll gladly put you at the helm of our little fleet, but our ships must all sail in the same direction.>>完整场景
Don Corleone, l need your help. And not just to light a little candle.>>完整场景
We control a lot of money with little.>>完整场景
Foolish of me? lt's a little foolish of this guy, don't you think? Right?>>完整场景
Today l'll talk to Michael about your little problem.>>完整场景
But a little expensive, wouldn't you say?>>完整场景
- l'm your little cousin.>>完整场景
INT. DON CORLEONE'S OLD STUDY - NIGHT The Don closes the door behind his son, and then moves across the room. He stops at the little bar there, and pours himself a brandy.>>完整场景
Buon Natale, everybody. Buon Natale... (he smiles at Tom Hagen) Hi, Tom, how's every little thing?>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - DAY The cleaning woman, Esther, who had been with Kay for years, sits by the dining room table, weeping profusely. Behind her, in the recreation room, we can see the tableau of Kay sitting on the couch, her little daughter Mary, between her knees, talking quietly about things we cannot hear. Her son Anthony sits by himself, in another chair by the side of the room.>>完整场景
You boys sure you can't get me a broad for tonight? Give me a little party?>>完整场景
They went home and sat in a hot bath and opened their veins, and bled to death. Sometimes they gave a little party before they did it.>>完整场景
Yeah, but only the rich guys. The little guys got knocked off. If they got arrested and executed, all their estate went to the Emperor.>>完整场景
MED. VIEW Michael enters the room, followed by Connie, who tends little Mary and Anthony.>>完整场景
He stops when he notices Neri, a little distance away, looking at him.>>完整场景
INT. WASHINGTON HOTEL CORRIDOR - DAY The Corleone nurse is waiting, playing with the little girl MARY. A distance away, the boy, Anthony, is standing by himself.>>完整场景
Ever once? Send Fredo off to do this, send Fredo to take care of that... take care of some little unimportant night club here, and there; pick somebody up at the airport. Mike, I'm your older brother; I was stepped over!>>完整场景
They said you were being tough on the negotiation, and if they had a little bit of help, they could close it fast and it would be good for you.>>完整场景
We notice in a little distance in the rear, there are some younger shepherds with shotguns thrown over their shoulders.>>完整场景
VIEW MOVES TO ONE OF THE OLD FISHERMAN He is recognized as the second of the men who had hunted Vito down. STROLLO. As he walks we notice there is a figure that is moving through the drying sails and barrels, it is Vito. He moves quietly, stepping up behind the old man. In an instant, he has thrown a garrote around his throat, twisting it tight, so that there is very little sound.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - VIEW FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE - DAY to the outside, where Michael walks slowly. He stops and looks at a little Italian red sportscar made for children.>>完整场景
A little care he can ride in with an electric motor.>>完整场景
(he puts the money in Roberto's hand) Do me this little favor, just take it and think carefully. Tomorrow morning if you want to give me the money back, by all means do so. If you want the woman out of your house, how can I stop you? It's your property, after all. If you don't want the dog in there, I can understand. I dislike dogs myself.>>完整场景