
adj. 小的;短暂的;很少的;小巧可爱的


INT. VITO'S TENEMENT - DAY Despite his new position of 'respect,' there is little changed about his home. Only that they have lived there a while now, and the rooms are fuller with the inevitable possessions a young family acquires.>>完整场景
A little distance away, Major Leon notices an old woman, one of the President's maids, moving across the alcove, carrying her suitcases.>>完整场景
MED. VIEW Fredo's party standing on the ramp, looking down at the spectacle. They're a little woozy from the drinks and late hour. Michael is with them, but now we sense he is using this time, with all exhausted and drunk, to come to some important conclusions.>>完整场景
(pushing away from the palm outstretched little hands of the boys) Goddamn beggers. Goddamn city of beggars and pimps and whores. And we bend over backwards to support them with the goddamn sugar quota.>>完整场景
EXT. GARISH HAVANA STREET - NIGHT The street is lit with tons of neon signs; it is alive with people; some roving bands of musicians. Everywhere are little boys running around, begging for money. And in doorways and windows are silent, dark-skinned women.>>完整场景
Fredo is a little loaded, and especially attentive to Michael this night.>>完整场景
His brother Sam is present, and the sandy-haired Courier, a little nervous; the one who had left from the Tropicana with the Corleone skim-money. Also Johnny Ola. The money is evidently all there; Roth picks up a packet; probably a hundred thousand dollars, and throws it over to the Courier.>>完整场景
VIEW ON THE WINDOW Little Anthony is pressing his face against the glass pane, as though he senses the adults are discussing something of importance to him.>>完整场景
He's not like a little boy... he doesn't talk to me; he doesn't want to play; he doesn't like other children, he doesn't like toys.>>完整场景
The little boy, moodily by himself.>>完整场景
INT. SMALL ROOM - NEW ENGLAND HOUSE - MED. VIEW - DAY Out to the yard, where we can see glimpses of little Anthony playing by himself.>>完整场景
MICHAEL'S POV Crowded streets, occasional roving bands playing for the tourists; there is much evidence of tourism: Americans walking through the streets with cameras. Occasionally, we see a Cuban with a row of numbers attached to his hat, carrying a big sheet of the daily lottery numbers. From all of these street impressions, the city is booming with activity, but there is also much evidence of whores and pimps and little children begging in the streets.>>完整场景
MED. CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL on the cruiser, Bussetta a little distance away, watching, but never speaking. The dark-skinned CAPTAIN of the cruiser keeps pointing repeatedly.>>完整场景
Just a little.>>完整场景
(to the courier) Your plans are a little different this time. You skip Miami, and go straight to Geneva. It's to be deposited to this number.>>完整场景
Pentangeli walks out of the restaurant; there's a little tension between the bodyguards of the two factions.>>完整场景
I'm a little hungry, maybe I'll order something. Joe.>>完整场景
Ola then gets into his car and drives off. Michael walks up the walkway and enters the little house, closing the door behind him.>>完整场景
Ola has gotten out of his car and walks up the little path to the front door. Michael waits.>>完整场景
INT. ITALIAN LUXURY LINER - TINY THIRD CLASS CABIN - NIGHT Connie and Merle are attempting to sleep in the miniature cabin in bunk beds. The little space is crowded with their trunks and luggage. Merle can barely hang onto the bunk, the boat pitches so violently below.>>完整场景
He walks with her a little way from the others; the children run out of the station wagon, and start to play.>>完整场景
Fredo has a good heart, but he is weak...and stupid, and stupid people are the most dangerous of all. I've kept you out of things, Tom, because I've always known that your instincts were legitimate, and I wanted you to know very little of things that would make you an accomplice, for your own protection.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - NIGHT Kay, the children, and some women servants have come down from the various rooms into the central living area, that can be most easily secured. The little girl is still asleep; they make you think of an immigrant family, with their blankets and frightened faces, all waiting in a central room.>>完整场景
We can see the outline of many toys on the shelves built along the wall. We see the dark figure of Michael Corleone enter the room and approach the bed where his son Anthony lies curled in messy blankets. Michael quietly arranges his small hands and feet and covers the little boy. Suddenly, Anthony turns, his eyes open. He is staring, perfectly awake, at his father.>>完整场景
Quietly, without a word, and with only a momentary glance from his wife, Vito joins the little group; takes a glass of wine, and listens to the song.>>完整场景