
adv. 离去,离开;在远处


Every step I make for my father is a step away from Elizabeth.>>完整场景
Tell him to stay away.>>完整场景
- Right away, sir.>>完整场景
- Right away, sir.>>完整场景
We have to try. We can get away as it takes down the Pearl.>>完整场景
- Haul away!>>完整场景
Get away from the rail!>>完整场景
I shall pry the chest away from your cold, dead hands.>>完整场景
This is no way for grown men to... Oh, fine! Let's just haul out our swords and start banging away at each other.>>完整场景
You can still walk away.>>完整场景
You must get away.>>完整场景
And so... him carve out him heart, lock it away in a chest and hide the chest from the world.>>完整场景
Let's get away from this island and head out to open sea.>>完整场景
- This far away from your ship. Aye.>>完整场景
Hands aloft and bear away. Stay on ahead to Whitecap Bay.>>完整场景
I'll have a wee look see at those charts right away. Shall I ?>>完整场景
Once he signed up and drank away all his bonus money.>>完整场景
He's getting away !>>完整场景
- It's very surprising that the starboard side has been more blown away like this, 'cause that's where the explosion was.>>完整场景
That's 4,000 miles away.>>完整场景
- So now for the first time, we have the ability to remove the water away from the ship and just look at the ship.>>完整场景
Last bomb away.>>完整场景
And now every pilot looks at Doolittle's plane... Doolittle starts the run down the flight deck...faster...the end looming. He turns the plane almost vertical, standing it on its props...and lifts away smoothly.>>完整场景
EXT. FLIGHT DECK - THE HORNET - DAY The pilots run onto deck. The cruiser next to the Hornet is still firing away at the Japanese patrol boat.>>完整场景
Order the cruisers to open fire! We've got to sink them before they get a message away.>>完整场景