
n. 火焰;热情;光辉


As the strafing Zero starts to bank away, two P-40's come in behind it, both of them gunning away. The Zero comes apart under the barrage, and crashes in a ball of flame.>>完整场景
Rafe finishes one Zero, making it explode in a ball of flame in the air. Danny finishes the other, shooting off its wing so that it spirals into the sea and crashes there.>>完整场景
The Zero's bullets eat his canopy and plane skin; the plane breaks apart in mid air, spilling in gouts of flame as it smashes down on the tarmac.>>完整场景
INT. THE SUB'S CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The Japanese sub commander sees, through his periscope, the flame erupt on the Ward's deck; he's being fired upon. He snaps orders -- JAPANESE SUB CAPTAIN Dive! Dive!>>完整场景
with the R.0.U.S. pinned under him, and as the beast bursts into flame, it lets go and Westley rolls safely free, grabs his sword and exhaustedly stabs the R.0.U.S., which is trying to put itself out.>>完整场景
A FLAME SPURT: shooting skyward and -->>完整场景
I mean, what are the three terrors of the Fire Swamp? One, the flame spurts. No problem.>>完整场景
There is again a popping sound, then a huge spurt of flame.>>完整场景
WESTLEY GRABBING BUTTERCUP pulling her aside to safety as another great spun of flame suddenly shoots up.>>完整场景
A GIANT SPURT OF FLAME leaps up, preceded by a slight popping sound, and this particular spurt of flame misses Westley, but Buttercup is suddenly onfire; at least the lower half of her is and -->>完整场景
Every time they topped a ridge and saw the tiny flame of the campfire, July tried to calm himself, tried to remind himself that it would be almost a miracle if Elmira were there. Yet he couldn’t help hoping. Sometimes he felt so bad about things that he didn’t know if he could keep going much longer without knowing where she was.>>完整场景
But the ride to the river was uneventful. It seemed they had not been riding long before they saw the silver band of the river in the moonlight. July stopped so abruptly that Joe almost bumped into his horse. He and Mr. McCrae were looking at something downriver. At first Joe couldn’t see anything to look at, but then he noticed a tiny flame of light, far downriver.>>完整场景
[Chuckles] [Homer] "The silvery cylinder burst forth in a fiery column of smoke and flame, "racing the very wind as it soared into the sky, "a messenger of these Rocket Boys of Big Creek... "these boys who use their brains, not brawn, who play not football, but with Apollo's fire." [All Chuckling] Hi, Homer.>>完整场景
33 EXT. BACK OF BAR - DAY (JUN ‘88) Jordan and Donnie get high. Donnie holds a flame under acrack pipe.>>完整场景
Now, along with your crass and disdainful behavior... you carry with you a flame... which one could only hope... would spread through the medical profession like a brushfire.>>完整场景
They manifested, like a flame.>>完整场景
361 EXT. BUILDING'S TOP FLOOR 361 BOOM! A MASSIVE EXPLOSION spits flame out of the windowsof the building's top floor.>>完整场景
115 GORDY 115 leaves the group in the middle of the river. The GUNFIRE is now FAR-OFF AND SPORADIC. He crosses to the water's edge on the far bank. Pulls the Zippo from his pack andleans over. Uses the flame to illuminate the mud and rock immediately in front of him. Scratches lightly atthe ground with the machete, searching for mines. Finds nothingin that spot. And steps onto it.>>完整场景
39 WINDOWS 39 are sucked into millions of fragments, a hailstorm ofglass... 40 GREAT CHUNK OF METAL 40 -- an engine block -- flies from the ball of flame... 41 ANNE 41 instinctively pulls her child to her... 42 GORDY 42 sees the engine block tumbling through the air toward hiswife and son.>>完整场景
In SLOW MOTION: 36 37 SHOCK WAVE wave rolls up 68th past Madison... 37 38 HUGE BALL OF FLAME erupts behind Anne and Matt... We hear the ENORMOUS BANG of the explosion... 38 12.>>完整场景
Sarah makes it around a corner as the FORWARD TRAILER EXPLODES and an OCEAN OF FLAME rolls forward, blasting by her.>>完整场景
She thumbs the flame on. The fuse catches as Reese twists the wires and the engine starts to turn over.>>完整场景
ON TERMINATOR, as he slides to a stop, cut off by the wall of flame.>>完整场景
102 INT. EXIT CORRIDOR - NIGHT 102 DOLLYING AHEAD OF TERMINATOR, very fast, as he runs full- throttle. Behind him a fireball of superheated gas hurtles down the narrow hallway. He clears the outer door an instant before the tongue of flame roars out into the alley.>>完整场景
Who thinks of using a sponge to stop a 3,500 degree Fahrenheit flame from burning through a spaceship?>>完整场景