
n. 先锋;厢式货车;[计]增值网


Yeah, put you guys on top of the van.>>完整场景
I was six and my mom hid me and my cousin in the back of this van.>>完整场景
So I gotta live for 50 days... inside a Rover with marginal life support the size of a small van.>>完整场景
For Yvon and Doug, the best way to get down there was an old van, for me, this turned out to be this 54 foot cutter called "The Sea Bear".>>完整场景
We bought this old van and took off from Ventura.>>完整场景
No, no, no. Because you wouldn't let me drive the damn van, - for 5 minutes.>>完整场景
Because you didn't wanna live in a van on the side of the road.>>完整场景
Replay that conversation in your head, all right? You said, "You wanna go live in your van like a bum?" "Go ahead, Owen." And I said, "Okay!" - So how is that you leaving me?>>完整场景
How many minutes to get your little butt in the van?>>完整场景
Nick van Owen, Ian Malcolm.>>完整场景
But there's Nick van Owen, a video documentarian... Eddie Carr, who's a field equipment expert.>>完整场景
246 INT. PRISON VAN - DAY (MAR ‘99) Jordan rides in back, stares out the window, thinkingabout all he’s done. The van stops as it arrives at thePRISON GATE.>>完整场景
- What van?>>完整场景
MAN ON TV: Outside Lenox Hill Hospital today, more twists and turns in the Van Loon-Atwood merger.>>完整场景
The Dow has been yo-yoing amidst speculation that Van Loon Associates and Hank Atwood have negotiated a merger... Have you been talking to anyone?>>完整场景
Ah. Mrs. Atwood, Carl Van Loon.>>完整场景
Excuse me, Mr. Van Loon?>>完整场景
Carl Van Loon and Hank Atwood had no idea I might soon be charged with murder.>>完整场景
Even off NZT, I decided to give Van Loon's files a shot.>>完整场景
And there's really only one company with enough bling to justify a merger with Van Loon and Associates.>>完整场景
That's Carl Van Loon.>>完整场景
It's Carl Van Loon.>>完整场景
Isn't your Van Loon meeting tomorrow?>>完整场景
What can you do for Carl Van Loon?>>完整场景
Carl Van Loon wants to meet you?>>完整场景