vt. 造成;创造,创作
- we're gonna create a link reference here to manifest just exists here as a comment that you can reference. We're gonna turn the manifest on in our route file as well.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, be careful when you create things, that are gonna be created on the server side in your real database.The database, by the way? we haven't talked much about that, and that is because we're using SQLite. So, there is nothing to configure,there's nothing to set up, SQLite is now a suitable database for production with Rails. we have tuned it with all the right pragmas,to run SQLite well in production, you of course still need to set up a way to back that up, but everything else is preconfigured for you.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And then, we are going to hop in here and have a look at what was actually generated. We have the sessions controller, that's probably the most important. You can see here, it allows unauthenticated access to just new and create.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Kamal:
- All right, that is very neat. Now, let's go to production! Because of course, you're not just here to create a Hello World app that runs on your own machine, you want to get this out into the world! And rails8 and forward ships with Kamal, a simple tool for deploying your web application anywhere.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now, let's set things up to be dynamic, such that when we add a new comment to one of these, it's going to update the other as well. This is how we use web sockets in Rails using action cable, one of the frameworks that we have to create updates that are distributed automatically without folks having to reload their browser.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So let's actually also create the other direction of this association. You saw a comment belongs to a post, but then we're also gonna make the post has many comments. Now, we have a bidirectional association that we can work with in both ways.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- The comments is something that belongs to a post, and we will pull out the post ID from the params, that's what's being parsed in as part of the URL, and we will fetch that post, and now we will create the comments associated with that post based on the parameters that are expected as comment content. And then after it's created, we will direct back to the post!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Alright! Now let's add some comments to our blogging system! And I'm gonna use a different generator here,I'm gonna use a resource generator that is a little lighter than the one we were using for scaffold that doesn't generate a bunch of views, and doesn't generate all sorts of actions in the controller by default, but it does generate the new model that we need the comment model, it generates a migration for that, create comments ,and it generates just some empty placeholders for the comments controller and for the view action.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- All post controllers follow the same convention. There are seven actions, you have index,show, new, edit, create and update and destroy! So there form a basic setup for configuring everything that's needed for a resource to be exposed to the web.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- create insightful dashboards and reports
创建富有洞察力的仪表板和报告>> 40-Food and Talk- To use:
- Create a paste by mixing a tiny amount of alum powder with a drop of water.
将少量明矾粉与一滴水混合制成糊状物。>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores- Finally, making it easier to go to production also means we ought to make it easy to be secure. Rails has been assembling high-level abstractions for the key components of an excellent authentication system for a long time to bring that ease. We’ve had has_secure_password since Rails 5, but also recently introduced generates_token_for :password_reset along with authenticate_by in Rails 7.1. Now, with Rails 8, we’re putting all the pieces together in a complete authentication system generator, which creates an excellent starting point for a session-based, password-resettable, metadata-tracking authentication system.
最后,使生产更容易也意味着我们应该使安全更容易。长期以来,Rails一直在为一个优秀的身份验证系统的关键组件组装高级抽象,以简化这一过程。我们从Rails 5开始就有has_secure_password,但最近在Rails 7.1中引入了generates_token_for:password_reset和authenticate_by。现在,使用Rails 8,我们将所有部分整合到一个完整的身份验证系统生成器中,该生成器为基于会话、密码可重置、元数据跟踪的身份验证体系创建了一个很好的起点。>> Rails8- If you create a system in your learning, you don't need to find that extra time, because it will become a part of your everyday life.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- The important thing is to create a plan in the learning. "I will practice speaking every Tuesday and Thursday with a friend for 20 minutes. I will listen to a YouTube video while having breakfast.".>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- 2:
- The third principle to follow is to create a system in your learning.We'are all very busy and no one really has time to learn a language today. But we can create that time if we just plan a bit ahead. Can you wake up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do ?That would be the perfect time to revise some vocabulary.Can you listen to a podcast on your way to work while driving? Well,That would be great to get some listening experience.>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
- 5. TurboStream updtes create video elements on each of the other clients' screens.
5.TurboStream updtes在其他每个客户端的屏幕上创建视频元素。>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails- 4.The newcomer creates a WebRTC negotiation and sends a greeting back to each of the other clients.
4.新人创建WebRTC协商,并向其他每个客户端发送问候。>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails- 3. A Turbo Stream update creates a video element on the newcomer's screen for each greeting it receives.
3.Turbo Stream更新为新用户收到的每个问候语在新用户的屏幕上创建一个视频元素。>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails- 3.创作最小的可用的产品,create an minimum viable product and test your idea.>> 没钱也能开始创业的7步法
- 49. As much as possible, avoid hiring MBAs. MBA programs don’t teach people how to create companies.
49.尽可能避免雇佣MBA。MBA课程不教人们如何创建公司。>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句- 14. If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.
14.如果你想创建一家公司,就像烤蛋糕一样。你必须把所有的配料都按正确的比例。>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句- 12. I always invest my own money in the companies that I create. I don't believe in the whole thing of just using other people's money. I don't think that's right.I'm not going to ask other people to invest in something if I'm not prepared to do so myself.
12.我总是把自己的钱投资于我创建的公司。我不相信只是用别人的钱。我认为那是不对的。如果我自己不准备投资,我不会要求别人投资。>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句- 11:
- I don't create companies for the sake of creating companies, but to get things done.
11.我创建公司不是为了创建公司,而是为了把事情做好。>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句- 5. Sleep and Sex Only, Please.
By using your bedroom only for sleep and sex you will strengthen your mental association between bed and sleep. Remove all distracting or stress-inducing elements, such as televisions, computers and work-related things out of the bedroom to create a more relaxing environment. If you find yourself regularly checking your digital clock throughout the night, just set the alarm and turn the face away from you.>> 人只要规律睡眠就没有身体不好的- 4. Invest in a Good Mattress and Pillows.
Be sure that your mattress is supportive and comfortable. The average lifespan of a mattress is 9-10 years, so be aware when your mattress may have outlived its lifespan. Also invest in comfortable pillows and bedding, and be sure to create an environment in the bedroom that is inviting and conducive to a good night’s sleep.>> 人只要规律睡眠就没有身体不好的