
n. 水平;水平面;标准


EXT. CHINA COAST - NIGHT Rafe's plane settles down toward the water; he guns the engine to level out, and the plane skims across the surface; then the propellers catch and the plane stops like it hit a wall, flipping over it's nose.>>完整场景
EXT. SKIMMING OVER THE WAVES - DAY The planes reach the Japanese coastline, and start skimming over treetop level.>>完整场景
ROOSEVELT'S VOICE I'm told that 80% of American families are listening to these fireside chats of ours, and I'm happy we can come together, as one great American family. I'd like each of you within the sound of my voice to find a map... The FAMILIES do, gathering around encyclopedias, school books, any reference they have, spread on kitchen tables, suburban living room rugs, or farmhouse hearths... And the B-25's, all sixteen of them, begin a journey in formation, flying at treetop level across America: Mississippi delta land, Texas plains, Arizona mesas... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Look at the Pacific Ocean. It covers half the surface of the earth. And look at the great Atlantic. The oceans both divide and connect us to our enemies, and either they will come to us, or we will go to them... The formation of B-25's reaches San Francisco.>>完整场景
EXT. FLORIDA COAST - DAY The B-25's are practicing, flying at treetop level. Red is Rafe's copilot, Anthony is Danny's. Doolittle is flying the lead bomber.>>完整场景
EXT. EGLIN FIELD - DAY Doolittle pilots a B-25 at treetop level onto a practice bombing range. Greening uses the makeshift sight, and drops a 500-lb sack of flour, right in the middle of the bull's-eye target chalked on the ground.>>完整场景
Second wave, deploy over the military bases. High level bombers to the air stations, dive bombers attack ships in harbor. Fighters strafe and cover.>>完整场景
-- The Japanese torpedo planes dropping down to the level of the ocean, their engines beginning to scream.>>完整场景
Pearl Harbor's depth of only forty feet makes them feel safe. A torpedo dropped from an airplane plunges to one hundred feet before it can level off. That is a conventional torpedo. But we have been experimenting.>>完整场景
Right now, every bank in town is unloading these sh*t-bonds under un-suspecting customers and they won't devalue them until they get them off their books this level of criminality is unprecedented even on f***ing wall-street!>>完整场景
Highest level AAA's getting paid first.>>完整场景
Clemenza looks up on a higher level.>>完整场景
Hacked? It's anonymized and encrypted at every level.>>完整场景
Cachet certainly has taken privacy to the next level and we are so pleased to have had a chance to foster that growth.>>完整场景
This level is called the Zen Wu.>>完整场景
Oxygen level, 5%.>>完整场景
Oxygen level, 10%.>>完整场景
Oxygen level critical.>>完整场景
Oxygen level... Pressure stable.>>完整场景
Oxygen level critical.>>完整场景
Oxygen level critical.>>完整场景
He was thinking about Lorie when the Indians broke for him. Where they had hidden he didn’t know, for he was in the center of a level plain. He first heard a little cutting sound as bullets zipped into the grass, ten yards from his horse. Later, the sound of bullets cutting grass was more distinct in his memory than the sounds of shots. Before he really heard the shots he had his horse in a dead run, heading south. It seemed to him there were ten or twelve Indians, but he was more concerned with outrunning them than with getting a count. But within minutes he knew he wasn’t going to be able to outrun them. He had pushed his horse too hard and soon was steadily losing ground.>>完整场景
The old man, a hard-looking customer, didn’t look up again until he had finished skinning the possum. All Roscoe could do was stand around uneasily. The silence was heavy. Roscoe almost wished he had ridden on and spent the night sitting up against a tree. The level of civilization in Texas definitely wasn’t very high if the old man was an example of it.>>完整场景
He had been very disappointed in the level of the grub.>>完整场景
“Hell, I don’t need all this,” he said. “There ain’t a horse in town worth fifty dollars, unless it’s that mare of Call’s, and she ain’t for sale.” But he took the money, thinking it a fine joke on Gus that the money from his poke would buy Lorie a mount to ride to Montana, or however far they went. He had known perfectly well Gus would try something of the sort, for Gus would never let him have a woman to himself. Gus liked to be a rival more than anything else, Jake figured. And as for Lorie going through with it—well, it relieved him of a certain level of responsibility for her. If she was going to keep that much independence, so would he.>>完整场景
Now Jake Spoon had spoiled it all, and the only way Xavier could vent his annoyance was by winning money from Jasper Fant, most of which he would never collect.“Where’s Jake?” Lorie asked—a shock to Dish. His hopes, which had been soaring as he walked through the dark to the saloon, flopped down to boot level. For her to inquire about the man so shamelessly bespoke a depth of attachment that Dish could barely imagine. It was not likely she would ever inquire at all about him, even if he stepped out the door and vanished for a year.>>完整场景