
conj. 和,与;而且;然后;就;但是


Never sat well with Bootstrap, what we did to Jack Sparrow, the mutiny and all.>>完整场景
Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta.>>完整场景
You give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open, and you will see white sails on that horizon.>>完整场景
It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails.>>完整场景
When I get the Pearl back, I'm gonna teach it to the whole crew, and we'll sing it all the time.>>完整场景
They came by and I was able to barter passage off.>>完整场景
To what point and purpose, young missy?>>完整场景
It'll be one pistol as before, and you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady, and starve to death yourself.>>完整场景
On my word, do as I say, or I'll pull this trigger, and be lost to Davy Jones' locker!>>完整场景
You've only got one shot, and we can't die.>>完整场景
Pistols and cutlasses, men!>>完整场景
Nails and crushed glass!>>完整场景
Case shot and langrage!>>完整场景
What say we run up a flag of truce, I scurry over to the Interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion?>>完整场景
Although, I suppose I should be thanking you because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you.>>完整场景
But that still leaves me standing on some beach, with naught but a name and your word it's the one I need.>>完整场景
I expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship, and then I'll shout the name back to you.>>完整场景
So you expect to leave me on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need, and watch you sail away in my ship.>>完整场景
I say we cut her throat and spill all her blood. Just in case.>>完整场景
- And whose blood must yet be paid?>>完整场景
For ten years we've been tested and tried and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!>>完整场景
Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.>>完整场景
Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga... and you're completely obsessed with treasure.>>完整场景
Once we're quit of the curse, we'll be rich men... and you can buy an eye that fits and is made of glass.>>完整场景
Young Mr. Turner and I are to go ashore.>>完整场景