
n. 小径;小巷;小路


Part of the alley.>>完整场景
I watched in awe, and I said to myself, "Goodnight, this is not a man to arrest, this is a man to befriend." - You make your living off of his alley fights?>>完整场景
368 EXT. ALLEY 368 Gordy's almost to the next street. He can hear the WHINE of the DUCATI growing closer. When... A truck stops ahead of him and blocks the alley.>>完整场景
367 EXT. STREET 367 Claudio GUNS the BIKE down the second street, parallel toGordy's alley. He and Selena reach an intersection with the one-way street. A right turn will complete the "U" and take them back toward Gordy. Straight ahead, thestreet they're on is one-way in the opposite direction.>>完整场景
366 EXT. ALLEY 366 Gordy's now moving parallel to Claudio and Selena, sprinting hard toward another one-way street, whichcrosses the alley ahead. He doesn't know if he'll intercept the bike, but it's his only shot.>>完整场景
365 GORDY 365 spots an alley on his right and turns into it.>>完整场景
287 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 287 Further down the street, ALI emerges from an alley and runs towards Amadu’s compound.>>完整场景
His twisted ankle is causing him great pain. He hobbles to a broken metal sheeting fence and looks through a gap into: 274 EXT. ALLEY - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 274 A boy, ALI, 10, is playing with a ball. Trying to look casual, JAMA steps bravely into the alley and calls to Ali.>>完整场景
Not far away, out in the alley, he can still hear ABDI shouting and asking people where he went.>>完整场景
He runs down the alley, rounds A CORNER, vaults another wall, and LANDS BADLY on a pile of building rubble: His leg buckles as his ankle twists horribly.>>完整场景
He ducks into an alley behind the Mosque.>>完整场景
JAMA THROWS the bread and buckets at them and RUNS. * He dashes for an alley between houses.>>完整场景
It shows HAND HELD FOOTAGE of A YOUNG, DEAD, AFRICAN MAN in plain clothes lying in filth in an alley. He has been shot in the back of the head. Blood pools around his shoulders.>>完整场景
251 EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT251 C.U. - SARAH - She chokes on a scream, crams knuckles in her mouth.>>完整场景
249 EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT249 Sarah crawls away from the intense heat and lies watching the motionless figure in the blaze.>>完整场景
The dumpster is enveloped by fire and hurled, rolling, down the alley.>>完整场景
246 EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT246 Reese crouches in a TRASH-DUMPSTER which is sandwiched between the wall and the tanker. There are only inches of clearance as the trailers pass by.>>完整场景
ANGLE BACK as the tanker enters the alley. It TEARS THE CORNER OFF ONE BUILDING as it turns in. Terminator looks down from his mountain of steel.>>完整场景
...I don't know, it looks like it might spread to this furniture warehouse across the alley, the paint on the wall's starting to blister up... The sweeping headlights of a turning car momentarily illuminate the face of Terminator, motionless in the dark right in front of us.>>完整场景
115 EXT. SIDE STREET/ALLEY - NIGHT 115 The walls of a narrow alley, inky black, frame a police cruiser parked on the street beyond. Firelight from the back of Stoker's lights the street garishly.>>完整场景
WIDE as the car shoots backwards out of the alley onto the street, narrowly missing an arriving LAPD CRUISER.>>完整场景
The car backs down the alley.>>完整场景
The car EXPLODES, filling the alley with fire. An inferno funneled between the enclosing walls.>>完整场景
Behind them Terminator enters the alley, gaining.>>完整场景
107 EXT. ADJOINING ALLEY - NIGHT 107 Reese and Sarah turn a corner by caroming off the wall without slowing and pelt down a narrower alley. This one is lined with a row of parked cars and connects to the street. There is little room to run.>>完整场景