
n. 小径;小巷;小路


105/FX EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT105/FX Behind them Terminator is moving with inhuman speed, bounding like a panther, leaping trash cans and other obstacles.>>完整场景
104 EXT. ALLEY BEHIND STOKER'S - NIGHT 104 DOLLYING WITH REESE AND SARAH as they run through the dark alley. Sarah stumbles over trashcans.>>完整场景
(continuing) Cover the alley in back.>>完整场景
102 INT. EXIT CORRIDOR - NIGHT 102 DOLLYING AHEAD OF TERMINATOR, very fast, as he runs full- throttle. Behind him a fireball of superheated gas hurtles down the narrow hallway. He clears the outer door an instant before the tongue of flame roars out into the alley.>>完整场景
100 INT./EXT. EXIT CORRIDOR/ALLEY - NIGHT 100 Reese and Sarah pelt down the narrow corridor, fling open the outside door and spin out into the alley.>>完整场景
35 EXT. ALLEY - DAY 35 Reese crouches in an alley, out of sight of passersby, wolfing his food. The sauce runs down his sleeve but he doesn't notice.>>完整场景
CAMERA TRACKS WITH HIM as he moves like a panther along the narrow catwalk. TILT DOWN to include the first LAPD cruiser parked at the mouth of the alley.>>完整场景
Another unit arrives out front and Reese melts back into the alley, only to see a cop round the corner behind him.>>完整场景
ANGLE - ALLEY MOUTH, Reese flashes though intermittent cross-lighting in the B.G.>>完整场景
REESE'S POV, the alley walls blur by. The view of a hot- wired rat in an urban maze.>>完整场景
10 EXT. ALLEY JUNCTION - NIGHT 10 WHIP PAN ON COPS, skidding to a stop at the corner in time to see Reese vault the fence. They separate.>>完整场景
9 EXT. CROSS ALLEY - NIGHT 9 PANAGLIDE WITH REESE as he hits a chain link gate at a dead run and scrambles over it.>>完整场景
Whips around a corner. Leaps the hood of a parked car in the cross alley.>>完整场景
HANDHELD CAMERA or PANAGLIDE, rushing with Reese along the narrow alley. He vaults a pile of tumbled trashcans.>>完整场景
Reese hitches his pants and bolt like a shot. The cops draw their guns and race into the alley after him.>>完整场景
8 EXT. ALLEY/SAME - NIGHT 8 A brilliant white glare stabs into the alley mouth as an LAPD cruiser glides slowly by on the street. The search- light illuminates the figure of Reese, crouching over the sprawled drunk, just pulling on the other's trousers.>>完整场景
A pair of flamboyantly dressed women, obviously working girls, passes by the alley mouth. They do a double take when they see Reese, but walk on without breaking stride, completely jaded. He's certainly not a potential customer.>>完整场景
Reese descend to the alley floor and crosses to the drunk huddled in the doorway.>>完整场景
Reese lurches to his feet and sprints across the alley.>>完整场景
SLOW PAN AND DOLLY into the mouth of a narrow alley lined with trash containers and fire escapes. From a recessed doorway, two filthy legs sprawl out onto the wet pavement.>>完整场景
Porthos' fury has just begun. He picks the fallen gunman up by the throat, slams him stomach down across a broken alley cart, and with one sweep of his mighty hand Porthos snatches down the man's pants.>>完整场景
The man with a sword steps forward to hack Porthos down, but Porthos spins, slapping the pistol, making it BOOM but miss; he kicks the swordsman in the groin, then smashes his head against the alley wall; he backhands the gunman. The robber with the knife tries to run; Porthos snatches a barrel from the street and hurls it into the fleeing robber's back; he falls in a heap.>>完整场景
Porthos steps out with him, and Aramis leads the way down a dark, spooky alley.>>完整场景
For late sleepers, day sleepers, or your plain, ordinary, run of the mill night sleepers, annoyance had this rooster's beak. It was enough to drive one crazy. Often, I open my back window that faced the alley just across from the backyard where the rooster made his home. "Shut up, or I'll blow your stinking brains out," I'd yell. Great communication technique.>>完整场景
Sorry I pushed you in the alley.>>完整场景