
n. 宫殿;豪华住宅;宅邸


68 EXT. ST. JAMES PALACE - THAT DAY 68 A formal voice announces: MASTER OF THE COUNCIL (O.S.) His Majesty will address the Accession Council and take his oath.>>完整场景
The Palace changed it, Your Highness.>>完整场景
48 INT. CORRIDOR, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - CONTINUOUS 48 David has a habit of constantly fingering his tie.>>完整场景
47 INT. CONFERENCE ROOM, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - CONTINUOUS 47 Bertie waits at a table with a group of immaculately attired courtiers and dignitaries. This is the Coronation Committee.>>完整场景
46 EXT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - NEW DAY 46 Re-establishing shot. The Royal standard flies bravely.>>完整场景
19 EXT. BALCONY, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - CONTINUOUS 19 The King is joined by Queen Mary and the Archbishop of Canterbury, other Royals, and dignitaries. The noise is deafening. The King beckons impatiently for someone still inside to join them. It's Bertie, with Elizabeth.>>完整场景
18 EXT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - NIGHT 18 The edge of the crowd is visible. One can sense a vast sea of humanity. When the glass doors of the upper balcony open the murmur becomes a ROAR. When the King steps out, it becomes tumultuous.>>完整场景
BBC NEWS READER: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is the BBC, broadcasting direct from Buckingham Palace upon the occasion of the Royal Silver Jubilee. His Majesty: King George the Fifth.>>完整场景
17 INT. THE KING'S STUDY, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - EVENING 17 The King's study resembles a naval captain's cabin. Both men are uniformed for a state occasion. Bertie regards the BBC microphone as though it were an alien.>>完整场景
16 EXT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - NEW EVENING 16 Cold and austere mausoleum illuminated by floodlights.>>完整场景
12. The lace placed in the palace is replaced first, and displaced later.>>完整场景
12. 放在皇宫的带子先被替换,后来被转移。
Well, l-- I know it's not Buckingham Palace, but it's home to me.>>完整场景
Within this hour, at most, I will advise you where to plant yourselves, acquaint you with the perfect spy o' the time the moment on't, for it must be done tonight, and something from the palace.>>完整场景
I had every window in the palace blocked off because I was afraid that if I came around a corner and saw this, unprepared that I would break down and cry.>>完整场景
He's the only one who can look out of the palace.>>完整场景
That's why all the windows in the palace are covered so you can't see.>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LANE OF ELMS - BESIDE THE PALACE - DAY At the end of a lane of elms, where the markers of king's graves stand clustered, royal workmen place a mighty marble monument stone above the final resting place of d'Artagnan.>>完整场景
EXT. THE PALACE GATES - NIGHT The great gates of the palace swing slowly open, and out ride a whole platoon of young Musketeers, surrounding Louis himself, on horseback and dressed like a soldier.>>完整场景
EXT. PALACE GARDEN - NIGHT D'Artagnan rides away quickly, passing -- without seeing -- Lieutenant Andre, who has been watching him.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - ANNE'S ROOM - NIGHT Anne moves to the window, where she starts to kneel for her nightly prayer; but she stops. Outside in the garden, far below her window, is d'Artagnan on horseback, waiting. Their eyes connect. He has a single rose in his hand. Never taking his eyes from her, he places the rose on the stone bench of the garden, and reins his horse away.>>完整场景
INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY - NIGHT Louis is angrily climbing through the passageways, back up into the main floors of the palace, venting his emotions at d'Artagnan, just behind him; the young Musketeers with Phillippe, their prisoner, follow along further back.>>完整场景
INT. PASSAGES TO RIVER - NIGHT Aramis, Athos and Porthos -- carrying Louis -- descend the secret passages to the foundations of the palace, into a drainage channel leading to the river.>>完整场景
INT. THE PALACE CORRIDOR - NIGHT Michelle, alone and forgotten, staggers down the corridor toward the King's rooms; she passes d'Artagnan's open door.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE CORRIDOR - NIGHT The three Musketeers and Phillippe move quietly up a stairway and to the door of a room. Phillippe whispers... PHILLIPPE: The room of the King's favorite mistress?>>完整场景
INT. PALACE HALLWAY - OUTSIDE THE KING'S BEDROOM - NIGHT D'Artagnan catches up to the King as he is entering the door of his royal apartment.>>完整场景