
n. 宫殿;豪华住宅;宅邸


INT. PALACE BALLROOM - NIGHT A magnificent masquerade ball is in full swirl; the dazzling light of chandeliers bounces off the gilt ceiling and sparkles on the jewels of swirling dancers, their numbers multiplied in the polished mirrors that line the walls.>>完整场景
EXT. THE PALACE - NIGHT Carriages disgorge guests, wildly attired for the masquerade ball. Porthos' carriage pulls in among them.>>完整场景
Remember, all you have to do is get through tonight. Smile and nod a lot, and if you get stuck just wave and announce, "Continue." In the morning you hand this note to d'Artagnan, pardoning Athos and instructing that he, Aramis and Porthos be brought to the palace as your advisors. And all is well.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - KING'S ROOM - DAY As Louis' tailors outfit him in a dazzling gold peacock costume, complete with a jeweled mask at the end of a wand, he amuses himself by looking out the window at the beautiful young women arriving early for the ball.>>完整场景
And Aramis leans forward to tell them his plan... EXT. PALACE - DAY Teams of servants are filing in and out of the palace with food and flowers, decorating the ballroom for the ball that evening. In contrast, Anne and her devout retinue of nuns move in single file toward the garden chapel.>>完整场景
EXT. MANOR HOUSE - DAY Athos and Phillippe sit at a table in the shade of a tree; on the table is a model of the palace which Athos is using to drill Phillippe on the palace's layout.>>完整场景
The FLASHBACK moves to the palace, matching the narration -- ARAMIS' VOICE On his death bed, he revealed your existence to Louis and your mother.>>完整场景
ARAMIS' VOICE They brought a baby from the back of the palace, into the black carriage I had waiting. They had given the driver instructions about where it was, and I was ordered to make the whole journey with the blinds of the carriage drawn.>>完整场景
But I was on duty... IN FLASHBACK... We see the shadowy Musketeer we saw in the opening, moving up the dark steps of the palace. We see now it was Aramis.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - D'ARTAGNAN'S ROOM - NIGHT D'Artagnan is sitting on his cot thinking of all that has just happened when he hears the king's shouts of alarm.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE CORRIDOR - NIGHT They reach the Queen Mother's room; d'Artagnan reaches to open the door for her, and she keeps her eyes lowered. But before he can let her go, he must whisper... D'ARTAGNAN Anne...! I know... I know that to love you is treason against France.>>完整场景
EXT. GARDEN - NIGHT D'Artagnan and Anne move back to the palace in a stiff procession, she walking ahead, he trailing like a proper commoner, several feet behind.>>完整场景
IN HIS ROOM, D'ARTAGNAN has been standing at his window, for his nightly glimpse of Anne. Now he sees her, not with her retinue of nuns, but running to her chapel, clearly distraught... INT./ EXT. PALACE GARDEN - GARDEN CHAPEL - NIGHT Anne reaches the door, and finds a few nuns and an old priest praying in the little chapel. She staggers forward to the altar. and falls to her knees there. The nuns and the old priest, seeing the Queen Mother so distraught, stand silently and file out, leaving her in solitude.>>完整场景
EXT. PALACE GARDEN - NIGHT Anne rushes through the evening, toward her little chapel in the palace garden; she is a tragic, romantic sight, her long hair flying behind her as she runs.>>完整场景
INT. THE PALACE - THE QUEEN MOTHER'S ROOM - NIGHT Anne paces in her room, her hands trembling, her beautiful lips quivering with tortured emotion. With a sudden impulse she bolts from her room, through the outer room where her attendants sit, and into the corridor.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - KING'S STUDY - DAY The King reads the message, rerolls it, thinks a moment, and hands the scroll to Claude.>>完整场景
Did he try to enter the palace?>>完整场景
D'ARTAGNAN (grabbing him) Athos, I beg you -- Athos punches d'Artagnan with furious strength, knocking him aside. The young Musketeers reach for their weapons, but d'Artagnan is up quickly, throwing himself in front of Athos again, blocking the doorway into the palace.>>完整场景
D'ARTAGNAN Athos, my friend -- Athos marches to the palace door; d'Artagnan cuts him off.>>完整场景
INT./ EXT. MUSKETEER'S GATE OF THE PALACE - DAY The Musketeer's Gate is close to the stables where the Musketeers train and keep their horses. D'Artagnan hurries from the Palace and snaps an order.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - THE HALL OF MIRRORS The hall is alive with glorious light, fiery gold frames surrounding silvery mirrors blazing with reflections.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - MICHELLE'S NEW ROOM - DAY Michelle stands before the mirror, staring at herself, breaktakingly gorgeous in her new dress. She stares for a long time, surprised at her own beauty.>>完整场景
I will always be faithful... She interrupts herself as her eyes fall on the gorgeous dress. She looks around at the sumptuous palace apartment, and gazes again at the murals painted above the bed.>>完整场景
INT. THE FAVORITE MISTRESS' PALACE ROOMS - DAY A young Musketeer ushers Michelle into the palace bedroom previously occupied by the King's last mistress. The Musketeer leaves her alone, frozen in the center of the room, awed by the opulence. Her eyes play over the details: -- The handcarved, richly upholstered furniture, beneath her fingertips... -- The carved figures of cherubic angels, gleaming with gold, upon the posts of the bed... -- The murals on the walls and ceiling... Her reverie is interrupted by a HANDMAIDEN who bustles in carrying a magnificent dress.>>完整场景
You bring me the heart of the Jesuit General, and you will have a palace of your own.>>完整场景