
n. 组曲;套房;(一批)随员,随从;(一套)家具


Tout de suite.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S SUITE - WASHINGTON HOTEL - DAY The door to Michael's suite opens; Rocco leans in.>>完整场景
INT. THE SUITE - NIGHT Bussetta delicately picks up a small satin cushion that had fallen from the couch, and replaces it as though nothing had happened. Slowly he cracks the door open which adjoins Roth's bedroom. There is a slight commotion; whispered voices.>>完整场景
INT. THE SUITE - NIGHT Bussetta bends over Ola's body, tying the wrists and knees with electrical extensions. He then easily carries the body to the small balcony which all the rooms have.>>完整场景
INT. THE SUITE - MED. VIEW - NIGHT as Bussetta quietly pulls the limp body of Johnny Ola, his head bent at an impossible angle, and lays it at the foot of the couch.>>完整场景
INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - MOVING VIEW ON BUSSETTA - NIGHT The first time ever away from Michael, moving toward us quickly. He stops, knocks on the door of Roth's suite.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S SUITE - MED. VIEW - MORNING Michael is alone in his bedroom; it seems as though he hasn't slept very much, but sits by his window, looking out at the city. He is troubled and tired.>>完整场景
INT. ROTH'S SUITE - MED. VIEW - DAY Michael stands at Roth's door carrying the briefcase that Fredo had brought.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S SUITE - MED. CLOSE VIEW - DAY Michael and Fredo in a brother's embrace; they kiss each other. Fredo is still in his jacket, holding the satchel.>>完整场景
Patrolman Stutz shot. Sahara Lounge - Utica Avenue and Claredon Road. White Cadillac three or four men took off from scene. Need ambulance; Stutz is bad. Taking Pentangeli into custody... INT. ROTH'S SUITE IN HAVANA - MED. CLOSE VIEW ON ROTH - DAY His wizened face, pale. Right now, though, his eyes have a sparkle as he watches three million dollars in cold cash being counted on a card table in front of him.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S SUITE - NIGHT The telephone has just rung; Michael listens.>>完整场景
This entourage enters the suite, an impressive and beautifully spacious luxury suite. Connie is relaxing.>>完整场景
INT. ITALIAN LUXURY LINER - MED. VIEW - DAY The PURSER followed by several white uniformed associates knocks on the door of something designated the "Leonardo Suite." He is holding a telegram.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO SUITE (1955) They are seated around the lavish table in Michael's suite.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO SUITE (1955) A magnificent, circular table has been set up in his suite; a lavish table setting for eight. Standing by the table are HAGEN, JOHNNY FONTANE, looking wonderful, a little heavier, beautifully dressed; FREDO, a dandy, and TWO LAS VEGAS GIRLS.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO SUITE BEDROOM (1955) MICHAEL is alone in the bedroom. He is just finishing dressing; he puts on his jacket. From the window, with the lights blinking, we can tell it's late at night. MICHAEL passes into the other room.>>完整场景
They enter the suite.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO HOTEL SUITE (1955) A whole entourage precedes FREDO and his V.I.P. party of MICHAEL, HAGEN and NERI. Great fuss is made. They are being shown into the hotel's 'special' suite.>>完整场景
Yes, sir - "Not your route, to" Venice - Aware, sir - "Now it's time to see the" Venice Hello Do you want to come with me? - Why? - Yes, of course, I certainly need to continue to Thank you for this very nice Hello in the "Venice" Madam ! Bags Thank you ! Portfolios ! You will come Thank you ! Hello Welcome to Hotel "No, Daniel," Madam Suite Lady and her husband ...We have arranged the suite and wonderful ...And the bathroom also contains Can I be briefed on the passport, please? - For - Thank you Would be proud to show you . Wing of myself here Thank you Enjoy your stay, sir - Thank you - Everything has been arranged Through specific instructions I'm sure you will not be disappointed never count towards It Princes Suite "This wing was a deliberate intent to Prince pride of the city of" Balzac Wishes you a beautiful day, sir - Thank you - Act like you're in your home ! It is a hotel really cool, do not you think this?>>完整场景
INSIDE THE HONEYMOON SUITE WESTLEY lies as before, not a muscle has moved, his head is still on the headboard, Yellin's sword at his side.>>完整场景
shutting the door of the Honeymoon Suite, crossing quietly to the far wall where she sits at a table, opens a jeweled box, and takes out a very deadly looking dagger. She seems very much at peace as she touches the knife to her bosom.>>完整场景
BUTTERCUP: Because you've always been so kind to me. And I won't be seeing you again since I'm killing myself once we reach the Honeymoon Suite.>>完整场景
HUMPERDINCK: (whirling to the King and Queen) Escort the bride to the Honeymoon Suite -- I'll be there shortly.>>完整场景
142 143 INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT (SUMMER ‘95) Jordan is barely conscious as a Hooker rides him.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) All told, the weekend cost me almost two million dollars- 107 PERIOD VEGAS ADS *107 108 INT. TANGIERS - PRESIDENTIAL SUITE - DAY *108 The Tangiers Presidential Suite is a shambles on the * level of Hiroshima. A giant crystal chandelier laysshattered on the floor; Jordan asleep in the massive bed, a Blue Chip Hooker on either side of him; other passed- out BODIES lay amid debris and broken, toppled furniture.>>完整场景