
n. 船坞;码头;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分


OFF Gordy's relief as the panga heads on... 176 EXT. CAGUAN TOWN DOCK - DAY 176 The panga arrives, and Gordy gets out. He's met byFELIX. Felix has a 9mm in a shoulder holster. Felix doesn't look the least bit happy.>>完整场景
129 EXT. MOMPOS FERRY DOCK - DAY 129 Gordy disembarks amid the throng of passengers, when theFAT FEDERALE confronts him.>>完整场景
128 SAME SCENE - FEW MOMENTS LATER 128 The ferry pulls up to the dock. The dock street is a culture clash of shanty bars and Amazon Indian traders, of big-wheel SUVs and mule carts. There's a definite air of menace.>>完整场景
122 EXT. FERRY DOCK - DAY 122 The FERRY'S WHISTLE TOOTS. Lines are cast off.>>完整场景
We're going down to the dock Later to buy some lobsters.>>完整场景
Come along, children. You can shake your booties down on the dock.>>完整场景
On the board, you will see a cost analysis... for construction of a 30,000 square-foot facility... which will encompass both factory and office space... and is fully serviced by all utilities... a railroad spur line and a four-bay shipping dock.>>完整场景
Baby drives bats around the loading dock.>>完整场景
INT. PRIESTS' RESIDENCE - A STAIRWAY - DAY Four people are moving up a winding stairway; three are women, bosoms spilling from their gaudy dresses; the fourth is PORTHOS, the former Musketeer, now a nobleman of great wealth and even greater girth. He and the women are drinking wine as they stagger up the stairs, the women towing Porthos like rowboats tugging a ship to dock. Porthos is not so drunk that his hands fail to find pleasant places to grip their bodies as they walk and giggle.>>完整场景
A vantage point over the whole dock and most of the town.>>完整场景
Push him against the dock.>>完整场景
Ahoy, you biscuit-eating bilge rats! Prepare to dock starboard! Docking starboard! Captain says, raise the sails and step lively! Raise the sails! Heave! Bring her around, Mr. Yang! Bringing her around! - Let go anchor! - Let go anchor! - Get out all lines! - Get out all lines! Casting lines! - Come on, get moving.>>完整场景
I uh... I made it out of the house and I went down to the dock.>>完整场景
The Protagonist turns, rushing up onto the loading dock – The LOOSE JET ENGINE, under FULL THRUST, ATTACHED to the wing, SWINGS BACK AND FORTH, wreaking REVERSE HAVOC... The Protagonist pauses, LISTENING – he can hear BACKWARDS VOICES on the other side of a ROLLER DOOR – the loose jet engine TURNS, BLASTING AIR at the Protagonist with its INVERTED THRUST – the Protagonist is SMASHED through the bottom of the roller door – INT. VAULT, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS INTO HIMSELF AND NEIL, DRESSED AS BUSINESSMEN AS IN THEIR EARLIER VISIT TO THE ROTAS VAULT – the Protagonist (wearing black clothes and gas mask) TACKLES the EARLIER PROTAGONIST (wearing business suit), the Earlier Protagonist THROWS the Protagonist onto the ground, getting his gun – SHOUTING at him INCOMPREHENSIBLY – KICKING his INJURED ARM AGAIN AND AGAIN – the Protagonist SCREAMS... The Earlier Protagonist puts his GUN TO THE PROTAGONIST’S HEAD... EARLIER NEIL GRABS HIS ARM, RESTRAINING him... The Protagonist and Earlier Protagonist STRUGGLE, ROLLING across the floor with the unique physics of forward action merged with backwards action... They STRUGGLE through the BLUE DOOR of the Rotas vault. The Protagonist gets his gun – the Earlier Protagonist STABS him in the arm with his lockpick – ‘HEALING’ his wound – ENERGIZING him – He FLIPS the Earlier Protagonist up against the glass, LIFTS his gun – SHOOTS past the Earlier Protagonist’s head, putting a BULLET HOLE through the glass – Glancing at the OPEN TURNSTILE DOOR, the Protagonist FIRES again, forcing the Earlier Protagonist TOWARDS the door... he looks through the proving window – no one there...>>完整场景
EXT. DOCK, AMALFI – MORNING The Protagonist stands on the dock, dressed for sailing, watching the launch approach... Morning.>>完整场景
Be on the dock at eight. Ready to do more than mess around.>>完整场景
EXT. DOCK, AMALFI – DAY The Protagonist and Kat look out at an enormous yacht.>>完整场景
INT. 6-STORY WAREHOUSE. NEAR GOTHAM DOCK - MOMENTS LATER Armed guards playing cards at a table.>>完整场景
241EXT -- LOADING DOCK ACCESS -- NIGHT (1966) 241 ANGLE LOOKING STRAIGHT DOWN. Below us, Tommy Williams lies facedown at Norton's feet. Blood is spreading, fanning out oa the pavement. Norton turns, strolls out of frame.>>完整场景
Oh Lord. Andy come down to the loading dock today. Asked me for a length of rope. Six foot long.>>完整场景
137 THE STAMPING MACHINES IN THE PLATE SHOP ARE SHUT DOWN... 137 138 THE LAUNDRY LINE GOES SILENT, GRINDING TO A HALT... 138 139 THE WOOD SHOP MACHINES ARE TURNED OFF, BUZZING TO A STOP... 139 140 THE MOTOR POOL...THE KITCHEN...THE LOADING DOCK...THE EXERCISE 140 thru yard...the numbing routine of prison life itself...all grinds thru 143 TO A STUTTERING HALT. NOBODY MOVES, NOBODY SPEAKS. EVERYBODY 143 just stands in place, listening to the MUSIC, hypnotized.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again... 7BEXT -- PRISON YARD/LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1949) 78 Bogs, wheelchair-bound and wearing a neck brace, is loaded onto an ambulance for transport. Behind the fence stand Red and his friends, watching.>>完整场景
39EXT -- LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1947) 39 Under watchful supervision, CONS are off-loading bags of dirty laundry from an "Eliot Nursing Home" truck.>>完整场景
TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS issue from the main tower, drawing everybody's attention to the loading dock. The outer gate swings open...revealing a gray prison bus outside.>>完整场景
No loading dock, no personnel entrance-- Fences?>>完整场景