
n. 船坞;码头;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分


Forrest's boat glides, crushing a dock. Forrest and Lt. Dan look at it.>>完整场景
Hi! Forrest leaps off of his moving boat and into the water. The boat continues as Forrest clumsily swims. Lt. Dan sits in his wheelchair at the edge of the dock. Forrest flails his arms as he swims up to the dock. Lt. Dan waits for Forrest, smoking a cigar. Forrest climbs up a ladder onto the dock.>>完整场景
EXT. FORREST'S BOAT/BAYOU DOCK - DAY Forrest stands at the helm of his boat and slowly glides by the docks. Forrest looks around and notices something and bends down to get a clear view. Lt. Dan sits in his wheelchair on the deck. Forrest looks at Lt. Dan. He smiles, surprised.>>完整场景