n. 领导者;首领;指挥者
- Are you the tour leader of the group of twenty-five?>> 2. Metting the Group
- Who is the tour leader?>> 1. Making preparations 1-11
- Next to him is WILL HUNTING, 20, handsome and confident, a softspoken leader. On Will's right sits BILLY MCBRIDE, 22, heavy, quiet, someone you definitely wouldn't want to tangle with.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Who better qualify to be the leader than the teacher?
谁比老师更有资格当领导?>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script- Every conspiracy has a leader.
每个阴谋都有一个领导者。>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script- The jumpy piano rhythm of "Alexander's Ragtime Band" comes out of the first class lounge a few yards away. Band leader WALLACE HARTLEY has assembled some of his men on Captain's orders, to allay panic.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- Be careful what kind of leaders you're producin' here.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- Makers of men, creators of leaders.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- [ Jimmy On Loudspeaker ] Mr. Trask is our fearless leader, a man of learning, a voracious reader.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- Okay? lt was supposed to happen to someone smart, someone scientific, someone who's a leader.>> 不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script
- It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be. But you, you're a leader. That's who you are.>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- [Japanese]俺らがだと? 気でも狂ったか! (Orera ga dato? Ki demo kurutta ka!) [he gestures to all the scattered bodies of his henchmen and chuckles] (English:WE hurt people? You're crazy!) [Akihiko charges, which Ronin immediately blocks. Both clang swords for two seconds, seeming that the yakuza leader has the upper hand, but Ronin punches him in the face, and sword-points him to his throat, in which Akihiko is temporarily petrified.] [He lowers down his sword as if he is about to surrender, but charges again at Ronin. Both swords clashed as Ronin slices his stomach, losing stamina, but gaining more strength from his rage.]>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- THUG #1:
- あいつだ! アキヒコさんを!(Romanized:Aitsu da! Akihiko-san wo!) (Translated:It's him! He's after Akihiko!) [Both thugs fire their SMGs as both got slain by a shuriken. A yakuza member wielding a katana charges at him in the stairs, but is immediately overthrown and slain by the Ronin. Ronin then fights another sword-wielding thug, which is thrown outside the glass, killing him. The camera passes through two more buildings as the fighting ensues with different screams, shouts, more havoc inside, and gunfire. A man in a dark raincoat jumps through the glass window, with the Ronin doing the same, as both of them lands in a dark alleyway. The man in the raincoat turns to the Ronin, who just landed after him. It was Akihiko, the leader of a yakuza gang, whose head being hunted by the Ronin himself.]>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- Election Van:
- Remember, fellas, the future is in your hands. If you believe in progress, re-elect Mayor Red Thomas, progress is his middle name. Mayor Red Thomas's progress platform means more jobs, better education, bigger civic improvements, and lower taxes. On election day, cast your vote for a proven leader, re-elect Mayor Red Thomas...>> Back to the Future 回到未来 1985 Movie Script
- Oh great leader!>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- The people need a leader.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- Messengers were sent to all Kazakh tribes of the great steppe to announce that a new leader, given the name of Ablai, has risen and brings hope to all Kazakhs.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- Yet again, our leaders were unable to reach an agreement to unite.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- We must find a leader to unite us, Sultan Barak, and make an alliance.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- The Jungars brought war against us, yet the Kazakh tribal leaders were still unable to agree about how to unite the tribes against a deadly enemy.>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
- There, that one. That be the leader.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script
- EXT. JAPANESE CARRIER - FLIGHT DECK - DAY The first wave of planes lands on the carrier. The flight leader rushes to the bridge.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- INT. LEAD PLANE OF SECOND WAVE - DAY Lt. Commander SHIMAZAKI, leader of the second attack wave, says calmly into his radio...>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- The Squad Leader winces, and ducks into the clouds as he reports on his radio...>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script