
vi. 设计;表达;计划;投射


in plastic. Written on it is a single word:
"Red." Red pulls the envelope out and rises. He just stares at it for a while, almost afraid to open it. But open it he does. Inside is a smaller envelope and a letter. Red begins to read: ANDY (V.O.) Dear Red. If you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Sink. Toilet. Books. Outside the window bars, we hear another TRAIN passing in the night... RED (V.O.) Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a library. Now he needed a new project.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
Dear Mr. Dufresne. In response to your repeated inquiries, the State Senate has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project... " (stunned, examines check) This is two hundred dollars.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
If Hillary is elected president, we could see the completion of this thievery project, in which the Hillary Democrats take everything from everyone.
>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
The Negro Project was to bring these birth control and other eugenic measures into the black community.
>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
How would you describe Margaret Sanger's so-called Negro Project?
>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
- The god model project.
>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
Yeah I'm goin' to bring you somethin' all right. I've decided to make you a special project of mine. You ain't goin' to have to look for me at all.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script