n. 影像;肖像;想象;偶像
拉丁文 aticum;damage;courage;lineage;marriage;passage;personage;shortage;shrinkage;usage;
- Docker Hub:
- And there's a default configuration file in config/deploy.yml that we can use, it's prefilled a little bit, it has the service name of the name of reaction, but we need to rename, for example, your user,the name of the image to go to my name of where I store this on Docker Hub. You can see we change that down in the registry as well and the name of the container image.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- The image and sound are out of sync.
图像和声音不同步。>> online meeting on online classes- WILL:
- (crying hard) I know, I know... Sean takes Will in his arms and holds him like a child. Will sobs like a baby. After a moment, he wraps his arms around Sean and holds him, even tighter. We pull back from this image. Two lonely souls being father and son together.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- They turn to Will who places his proof on the projector. The image is cast over their faces. It reads: As Pekec reads and the realization dawns on him:>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- TIME DISSOLVE TO: INT LAMBEAU'S OFFICE -- DAY The office is more crowded than usual. TOM and THREE of LAMBEAU'S COLLEAGUES including the esteemed ALEXANDER PEKEC are in the room. Will sits at a work-station which projects a proof of his [Will's] onto the chalkboard. Lambeau stands beside the projected image at the board arguing with Pekec, a foreign mathematician. The image is of a Ramses graph binary tree.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Fooocus presents a rethinking of image generator designs. The software is offline, open source, and free, while at the same time, similar to many online image generators like Midjourney, the manual tweaking is not needed, and users only need to focus on the prompts and images. Fooocus has also simplified the installation: between pressing "download" and generating the first image, the number of needed mouse clicks is strictly limited to less than 3. Minimal GPU memory requirement is 4GB (Nvidia).
Foocus对图像生成器的设计进行了重新思考。该软件是离线、开源和免费的,同时,与Midjourney等许多在线图像生成器类似,不需要手动调整,用户只需要专注于提示和图像。Foocus还简化了安装:在按下“下载”和生成第一个图像之间,所需的鼠标点击次数严格限制在3次以下。最低GPU内存要求为4GB(Nvidia)。>> Fooocus- Fooocus is an image generating software (based on Gradio ).
Foocus是一款基于Gradio的图像生成软件。>> Fooocus- All you need to bring is your own container registry account, like Docker Hub or GitHub, for storing the images.
您只需携带自己的容器注册表帐户,如Docker Hub或GitHub,用于存储映像。>> Rails8- Kamal can do this so easily because Rails already comes with a highly efficient and tuned Dockerfile for turning your application into a production-ready container image out of the box.
Kamal可以很容易地做到这一点,因为Rails已经提供了一个高效且经过调优的Dockerfile,可以将您的应用程序开箱即用地转换为生产就绪的容器映像。>> Rails8- But do you think... that these images are only his imagination or that... Yes, I think he's had his hands on her.>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
- THE PAN STOPS on an image filling frame. Rose, circa 1920. She is at the beach, sitting on a horse at the surfline. The Santa Monica pier, with its rollercoaster is behind her. She is grinning, full of life.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 309 INT. ROSE'S CABIN / KELDYSH A GRACEFUL PAN across Rose's shelf of carefully arranged pictures: Rose as a young actress in California, radiant... a theatrically lit studio publicity shot... Rose and her husband, with their two children... Rose with her son at his college graduation... Rose with her children and grandchildren at her 70th birthday. A collage of images of a life lived well.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- A SILENT IMAGE OF YOUNG ROSE walking away from Pier 54. The photographers' flashes go off like a battle behind her. She has her hands in her pockets. She stops, feeling something, and pulls out the necklace.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- Cal in SLOW MOTION, yelling and wielding the oar. A demon in a tuxedo. The image fades to black.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- The image is shocking, unbelieveable, unthinkable. Ruth stares at the spectacle, unable to frame it or put it into any proportion.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- TIGHT ON JACK as his eyes come up to look at her over the top edge of his sketchpad. We have seen this image of him before, in her memory. It is an image she will carry the rest of her life.
紧紧地盯着杰克,他的眼睛从画板的顶部边缘望向她。我们以前在她的记忆中见过他的这张照片。这是一个她将伴随她一生的形象。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- ROSE is ignoring this conversation. She has the art-nouveau comb with the jade butterfly on the handle in her hands, turning it slowly. She is watching a monitor, which shows the ruins of Suite B-52/56. PUSH IN until the image fills frame.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- He gazes at the image of the two of them in the mirror.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 50 OMITTED 51 EXT. BOW - DAY The ship glows with the warm creamy light of late afternoon. Jack and Fabrizio stand right at the bow gripping the curving railing so familiar from images of the wreck. Jack leans over, looking down fifty feet to where the prow cuts the surface like a knife, sending up two glassy sheets of water.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 48 EXT. CHERBOURG HARBOR, FRANCE - LATE DUSK Titanic stands silhouetted against a purple post-sunset sky. She is lit up like a floating palace, and her thousand portholes reflect in the calm harbor waters. The 150 foot tender Nomadic lies-to alongside, looking like a rowboat. The lights of a Cherbourg harbor complete the postcard image.
48 EXT.CHERBORG HARBOR,FRANCE-晚唐泰坦尼克号在紫色日落后的天空中显得轮廓分明。她像一座漂浮的宫殿一样灯火通明,一千个舷窗映在平静的港口水面上。这艘150英尺长的“游牧者”号帆船躺在旁边,看起来像一艘划艇。瑟堡港口的灯光使明信片的画面更加完整。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- She looks from screen to screen, the images of the ruined ship.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 32 IMAGE OF A CHILD, three years old, standing ankle deep in water in the middle of an endless corridor. The child is lost alone, crying.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- ROSE stares raptly at the screens. She is enthraled by one in particular, an image of the bow railing. It obviously means something to her. Brock is studying her reactions carefully.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- We can see that Rose is experiencing a rush of images and emotions that have lain dormant for eight decades as she handles the butterfly comb.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- HOLD ON the incongruous image of this little old lady, looking impossibly fragile amongst all the high tech gear, grungy deck crew and gigantic equipment.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script