
n. 墙壁,围墙;似墙之物


EXT. PENTANGELI'S LONG BEACH ESTATE - DAY Part of the old estate of Don Corleone. By now, the wall has been torn down, and the other houses sold off.>>完整场景
EXT. MAIN GATE AND KENNELS - NIGHT The character of the summer estate has changed: bright floodlights illuminate the main points of entry: the main gate; the waterway; the stone wall that encompasses the estate on all sides.>>完整场景
We can see the outline of many toys on the shelves built along the wall. We see the dark figure of Michael Corleone enter the room and approach the bed where his son Anthony lies curled in messy blankets. Michael quietly arranges his small hands and feet and covers the little boy. Suddenly, Anthony turns, his eyes open. He is staring, perfectly awake, at his father.>>完整场景
EXT. NEW YORK ALLEY - NIGHT Genco and Vito; Genco leans against the wall, breathlessly, as though he's had a near escape.>>完整场景
The hundreds of cars, limousines and flower cars line the stone wall that surrounds this Italian-Catholic cemetary in Queens Village.>>完整场景
MICHAEL is thrown against the wall, and knocked unconscious.>>完整场景
Part of the wall is caved in, the kitchen door is blown off; and there is nothing left of the Alpha, or of Appolonia.>>完整场景
TOMMASSINO COURTYARD HIGH ANGLE ON DON TOMMASSINO'S VILLA We HEAR girlish laughter; the little Alpha is driving erratically, knocking down an occasional wall, and almost hitting th inner court wall.>>完整场景
MICHAEL swings toward the MAN standing by the bathroom wall.>>完整场景
The MAN by the far wall had been stiff with attention; now he too relaxes. SOLLOZZO leans toward MICHAEL who sits down comfortably and his hands move under the table and unbutton his jacket. SOLLOZZO begins to speak in Sicilian once again but MICHAEL's heart is pounding so hard he can barely hear him.>>完整场景
Clemenza, you gotta work fast to plant the gun. They got an old- fashioned toilet with a space between the water container and the wall. We can tape the gun behind there.>>完整场景
He points to the kitchen wall phone which is hanging off the hook.>>完整场景
He hangs up. He moves quickly to a wall safe; operates the dial, and removes a small notebook. He takes it back to the desk, and runs over the list of numbers with his forefinger.>>完整场景
How far are we from the back wall?>>完整场景
He already ran into one brick wall.>>完整场景
Who's the dead girl on the wall?>>完整场景
Move! Move! Up against the wall!>>完整场景
You're telling me Naomi brings you across the wall?>>完整场景
What, you... You want to build a Chinese wall in my apartment?>>完整场景
Isn't that crossing the wall?>>完整场景
The only wall we're crossing here is the wall of love.>>完整场景
They THWOCK into the wall, sticking there.>>完整场景
Suddenly, as he turns and tries to get his breath, two huge, deadly spears are streaking towards him. Drew blocks the SPEARS with his arms, misdirecting them into the wall behind him.>>完整场景
Driven back to the door, Drew slumps against the wall. His face is already bruised and bleeding.>>完整场景
Drew, groggy from the impact, manages to lash out and PIN the scroll to the cliff wall with the BACK of his hand.>>完整场景