
adj. 私人的;私有的;私下的


Another private, close by, paints a green line.>>完整场景
They look down the runway a few hundred feet. A private waves, and starts painting a red line across the runway.>>完整场景
There's one thing you have to be aware of from the very beginning. You see that private?>>完整场景
He and the private look again at the cloud of blips -- growing ever larger, and moving in fast.>>完整场景
IN THE PILOTS' QUARTERS, the pilots individually sit before personal shrines, saying private prayers, writing letters.>>完整场景
Is this a private fight or can anybody jump in?>>完整场景
I always get option to pay adjustable, I'm a private contractor, I need the flexibility.>>完整场景
I'm a private contractor.>>完整场景
They're private.>>完整场景
Or... private label mbs you got your average persons mortgage fixed rate, thirty years, boring!>>完整场景
MED. VIEW The peninsula of the private Corleone Harbor. We see the figures of two people, seated at a table.>>完整场景
Inside the estate, the private roads have been freshly plowed, and occasionally a worker will pause to watch the car as it passes.>>完整场景
Roth got out on a private boat.>>完整场景
EXT. THE TROPICANA IN VEGAS - MED. VIEW - DAY A limousine pulls up at a private area near the side of the hotel. Michael exits the limousine followed by Hagen and Neri.>>完整场景
No, this is a private plane. No, this plane is taken.>>完整场景
A car pulls up; and we see Sam Roth, Terri Roth and some of their men, carry the sickly, but still alive Hyman Roth to a private cruiser which is protected by men with machine guns.>>完整场景
EXT. THE YACHT CLUB - NIGHT All forms of private transportation are jammed with people trying to get out, holding cash in their hands for anyone with a yacht or small boat to get them to Florida.>>完整场景
In the back of the room, we notice the detachment of military moving quickly through the reception room on their way to the President's private quarters. Michael notices it as well.>>完整场景
A couple of the girls from the show are out with the men; Yolanda herself is giving them a private song and dance.>>完整场景
He laughs slyly, as though this is some private joke between them. Then his laughter becomes a cough, which he painfully stifles with a handkerchief.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE ESTATE - DAY A seaplane lands nicely by the private Corleone harbor; Hagen disembarks with his inevitable overloaded briefcase.>>完整场景
EXT. KEY WEST - NIGHT Michael is led to a desolate, night-lit private dock. He is followed by the ever-present Bussetta, and they are helped onto a light-weight, luxury cabin cruiser. The crew cast off various ropes, and the boat sets out into the night.>>完整场景
The courier is shown out through a private door, and then the first door is opened. Two accountants come in with the guards, and the trays are opened, and the counting process is begun all over again, this time with the State Tally sheets.>>完整场景
The cart, preceded and followed by security guards, is then wheeled through the casino, into a private, counting room.>>完整场景
Five oily guns. He immediately wraps them again, and carries them to a private closet, and hides it, and returns to his wife. He sits down back at the table; and she knows not to ask him what has happened.>>完整场景