
adj. 私人的;私有的;私下的


Myrtle? Myrtle's never met me. I've never met Myrtle. May we discuss Myrtle in private? Its not proper talking about our women on the street.>>完整场景
ELIZABETH (CONT'D) ...I do not have a "hubby". We never talk about our private lives. Nor do we `pop'.>>完整场景
And so, that freedom, leaving those decisions to the private sector, you know, it, it frees up a lot, a lot of capital.>>完整场景
Chinese government props up its state-owned enterprises, also called SOEs, and designated private firms, while limiting market access for U.S. and other foreign firms.>>完整场景
So even though monitoring private companies is illegal in China, his team risked lengthy jail terms to set up surveillance cameras outside the factory gates.>>完整场景
She kisses him. He tweaks her chin. The crowd HOLLERS in approval, but their moment remains strangely private. OnlyWill is there to witness.>>完整场景
# Gimme how can you, gimme understand # Gimme gimme financial stuff # Gimme your supply, gimme my demand # Mentally is gigantial stuff # Gimme oodles, gimme boodles of I don't care what but gimme more # You're too poor to know, immature to know what a gimme gimme's for # Why, you're... # You're a child # You're a child # You're too darling and dopey and mild # You're a nit, half a wit # Speaking wisdom-wise, private enterprise # Is too big for a twig of a child # Oh, stocks and bonds! I've lost my place!>>完整场景
120, A WAITRESS holding a tray of colored drinks high over her head takes us through the crowd to a spiral staircase that's being guarded by two more BOUNCERS with clipboards. The staircase leads up to the 2nd level which is all VIP tables that look out over the dance floor. Each VIP area has a couple of couches and a table covered in bottles of vodka, tequila, rum, mixers, ice, glasses and a private waitress who's happy to bend over and pour a drink for you, And that's where we catch up with MARK and SEAN. Sitting next to SEAN is a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN and there's another standing behind him and leaning against the couch.>>完整场景
(BEAT) He was obsessed with the guy from Sequoia Capital. He was followed by private detectives.>>完整场景
ginning and he hired private detectives to dig up everything on me they could. Did they find anything? No.>>完整场景
--it says, "The College expects that all students will be honest and forthcoming in their dealings with members of this community. All students are required to respect private and public ownership.>>完整场景
Did you report private Barnes to the proper authorities?>>完整场景
Matthew, I believe I will have that word in private with you now. Jon, that's all. Why don't you and I have lunch at the "O" club, we'll talk about the training of young William.>>完整场景
MARKINSON: Colonel, I think perhaps it would be better to hold this discussion in private.>>完整场景
I've heard the chatter about this private initiative.>>完整场景
Perhaps we should retire to my private lounge.>>完整场景
"I'm having dinner with friends, we'll talk tomorrow." Let's see if he sends another... "We've decided to reveal our private business." No, we can't... He wrote "jerk".>>完整场景
They're taking our private lives away from us.>>完整场景
- It's private.>>完整场景
This need to talk about my private business to a stranger... No offense Eva, but it's not for me.>>完整场景
- My sister found me a job in a private school.>>完整场景
There's a private corporation there, maintains a secure facility.>>完整场景
The Arabs would be flown by private charter plane to Zagreb.>>完整场景
I'm in private business, too.>>完整场景
As long as you don't work for any government- I'm in private business.>>完整场景