
pron. 这;这个;这里


Are you excited to move out of this place?>>完整场景
Look at this two-bedroom, two-bathroom place!>>完整场景
Does this wool scarf come in green?>>完整场景
And when all was said and done, only one single banker went to jail this poor schmuck!>>完整场景
Banks took the money the American people gave them and used it to pay themselves huge bonuses and lobby the congress to kill big reform and then they blamed immigrants and poor people and this time even teachers!>>完整场景
Cash would have stopped coming out the ATM, they had to back-stop this they knew the tax-payers would bail them out, they weren't stupid, they just didn't care!>>完整场景
People... Want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they chose this authority not based on facts or... results they chose it because it seems authoritative... Or familiar!>>完整场景
The market is at an all-time low, this is crazy!>>完整场景
There's this ehm... This new Cuban place just opened at the lower east side, so I suppose we could..>>完整场景
I just know that at the end of the day average people are going to be the ones, -that are going to have to pay for all of this.>>完整场景
I thought we were better than this, I really did and..>>完整场景
For the opposing view... Mister baum I gotta stand for this okay, hi!>>完整场景
Why did you do this with us?>>完整场景
The largest bank in France froze it's customer's money-market accounts today this thing is hitting Europe!>>完整场景
I never said I was the hero of this story hey, hey babe!>>完整场景
I don't want to pressure you Ben, but if you don't pull this off, we lose everything!>>完整场景
I probably got cell-phone and wifi-service I'm trying to sell 200 million dollars worth of securities in a pub... Smells like sheep you can do this!>>完整场景
I say, when we sell look I get that this is personal for you, but we have a fiduciary responsibility no, no we don't!>>完整场景
Tell me Morgan-Stanley doesn't hold the contracts on these swaps holy sh*t all this time I've been trying to figure out whom I've been betting against.>>完整场景
How, how?... How bad is this?>>完整场景
You tell Jeff at Goldman that I'm not transferring funds, this is bullshit!>>完整场景
No, no this isn't a joke you gotta start unwinding... Listening!>>完整场景
It took me years to build my relationships on wall-street no bank or ratings-agency is gonna confirm a story like this just because it comes from two guys in a... Garage-band hedge-fund that thinks it's the apocalypse.>>完整场景
Right now, every bank in town is unloading these sh*t-bonds under un-suspecting customers and they won't devalue them until they get them off their books this level of criminality is unprecedented even on f***ing wall-street!>>完整场景
She says I need to be on Xanax, and double my dose of Zoloft I asked bear-stearns to price our shorts they tell me the cdo's still haven't moved this is f***ing insane!>>完整场景