
n. 栏杆;扶手


EXT. THE BALCONY - NIGHT Bussetta swings the body over the side of the balcony railing; tying the extension cord to the railing, and suspending the body so that it is invisible both from the inside and out during the night.>>完整场景
SONNY grabs hold of CARLO's massive body, and tries to drag him off of the hold on the railing, his teeth clenched in the effort. Then he tries loosening CARLO's locked hands; even biting them. CARLO screams but he does not let go.>>完整场景
CARLO's nose is bleeding profusely; but still he does nothing, other than hang onto the railing.>>完整场景
CARLO's hands are clenched tight around the railing.>>完整场景
He pulls CARLO away from the others, trying to get him down into the street. But CARLO reaches out for the iron railing, and hangs on, his hand in a lock, cringing away, trying to hide his head and face in the hollow of the his shoulders.>>完整场景
When he finished, he sat the rifle against the porch railing, telling himself that he would get up and leave. But before he could get up, Clara walked out on the porch with no warning at all and put the baby into his hands. She practically dropped the child into his lap, an act July felt was very reckless. He had to catch him.>>完整场景
July wished she would leave him alone. She had taken him in and fed him, saved his wife and cared for his child, and yet he did wish she would just leave him alone. He felt so weak himself that if he hadn’t been braced against the porch railing he might have rolled off the steps. He had nothing to say and nothing to offer. And yet there was something tireless in Clara that never seemed to stop. His head hurt so he felt like shooting himself, the baby was squalling overhead, and yet she would ask questions.>>完整场景
137INTROTUNDADAY Grant and the others climb down out of the air duct and onto a platform of the scaffolding that stands alongside the skeletons. They continue down to the second platform, then the third. They suddenly see - - A RAPTOR, standing to the side by the second floor railing.>>完整场景
Billy jumps off the railing and DROPS TOWARDS THE CANYON BELOW.>>完整场景
75AEXT. RIVER CANYON - FAR WALL - DAY75A Across the canyon, Grant moves across the later support. With his hand on the railing, he sends a white, hardened substance dropping into the mist.>>完整场景
Launches off the balcony railing. And hurtles himself at the trunk of a medium-sized tree. He hits the trunk.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON CATWALK as Kyle lands in a heap, smashed against a stanchion of the railing which prevented him falling to the factory floor twenty feet below.>>完整场景
239 EXT. FREEWAY OVERPASS - NIGHT 239 From the railing Sarah sees the tanker below as a body falls beside it, rolling.>>完整场景
233 EXT. FREEWAY OVERPASS - NIGHT 233 UP ANGLE ON SARAH at the railing, looking down. She raises one fist into the air triumphantly.>>完整场景
TIGHT ON SARAH'S ADDRESS BOOK, Terminator pockets this and slips out the balcony door. Climbing over the railing, he is gone.>>完整场景
76 EXT. BALCONY - NIGHT 76 Matt crashes through the glass doors and slams against the balcony railing.>>完整场景
5A/FX OMITTED 5A/FX 6 OMITTED 6 7 EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - NIGHT 7 CAMERA MOVES WITH REESE as he leaps to the fire escape and clambers up to the first landing to crouch beside another NAKED MAN who appears to be entangled in the ironwork. The man is contorted with pain as his screams die to a shivering gasp. CLOSER ANGLE reveals that he has been skewered through the abdomen by the horizontal iron slats and through the shoulder by a railing. He has materialized in the same space occupied by the fire escape structure. The figure slumps, motionless.>>完整场景
Porthos has slipped away from the railing when the King looks back up; the young beauty sees nothing, and turns back to the King with a look that questions his sanity.>>完整场景
Good, then you can help with the railing.>>完整场景
But Gus, even if he does jump over this railing how's he gonna make it past all these rocks?>>完整场景
EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – SUNSET Kat picks up the shell casing, drops it in the diver’s bag, zips it up, attaches the lanyard to her ankle, sprays down the deck, WASHING away BLOOD and SUNSCREEN... Kat steps up to the railing. Watches Mahir, down below, getting a line on Sator’s body. Kat glances over at the TENDER ARRIVING WITH HER EARLIER SELF AND HER SON... Kat DIVES, ARCING GRACEFULLY THROUGH THE SUNSET... Kat’s earlier self, stepping onto the yacht, catches a glimpse of a graceful form SLICING into the water. She looks, CURIOUS, but Max TUGS her sleeve and she turns.>>完整场景
Neil BOLTS the winch to the roof, the Protagonist sights the upper balcony of the high-rise house, FIRES a ball with a line up and over the balcony railing... EXT. HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and Neil lie next to each other as the WINCH RUNS, TENSIONING THEIR ELASTIC LINES... they LAUNCH themselves, FLYING UP to land against the side of the building – They RUN SILENTLY UP THE BUILDING, onto the UPPER TERRACES, SHOOTING TWO GUARDS with silenced pistols... INT./EXT. HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS Sanjay Singh hands a drink to the Woman in the sari. They move out onto the balcony – EXT. BALCONY – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist surprises Sanjay, holds him at gunpoint –>>完整场景
She smiles. Then runs full speed for the STONE ROOF-DECK and leaps over the railing. For just a moment she hangs in the air, high above the glittering lights of Gotham City.>>完整场景
THE BAT-MAN throws himself back inside and leaps the railing.>>完整场景
127INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127 RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He's striding, pissed-off, a man on e mission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto -- 128EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 -- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red.>>完整场景