
pron. 我们(主格);[古]朕,寡人;笔者,本人(作者或演讲人使用)


- Copy that, we got a V tether.>>完整场景
Not unless we know he's over land!>>完整场景
We'll fly till we run out of fuel, then bail out.>>完整场景
We got a 25-mile-an-hour head wind. How we doing with fuel?>>完整场景
How far are we from Tokyo?>>完整场景
The Enterprise will ride shotgun when we launch the bombers. They wanted our carriers at Pearl, and now we've come to them. If the Japanese get us, they'll be having dinner in San Francisco next month.>>完整场景
Now we have fifteen requests for the Emperor's Palace...and one for Tokyo baseball stadium.>>完整场景
They'll turn the ship into the wind before we launch. That'll help.>>完整场景
Then wh-where do we land?>>完整场景
C-Colonel, we been p-practicing takeoff's, but I ain't sure we can land on these carriers d-decks.>>完整场景
And where's the secret base, Sir? The one we t-takeoff from.>>完整场景
(grinning) I don't reckon we can get hogbrains and grits, but I hear a man can eat good in this town.>>完整场景
San Francisco, here we are!>>完整场景
ROOSEVELT'S VOICE I'm told that 80% of American families are listening to these fireside chats of ours, and I'm happy we can come together, as one great American family. I'd like each of you within the sound of my voice to find a map... The FAMILIES do, gathering around encyclopedias, school books, any reference they have, spread on kitchen tables, suburban living room rugs, or farmhouse hearths... And the B-25's, all sixteen of them, begin a journey in formation, flying at treetop level across America: Mississippi delta land, Texas plains, Arizona mesas... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Look at the Pacific Ocean. It covers half the surface of the earth. And look at the great Atlantic. The oceans both divide and connect us to our enemies, and either they will come to us, or we will go to them... The formation of B-25's reaches San Francisco.>>完整场景
MONTAGE - INTERCUT with the planes practicing their short takeoffs, we see Roosevelt in one of his fireside chats, his voice broadcast across America... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Good evening, America... Families all across America are gathered around radios, listening.>>完整场景
When we were growing up, I had everything. You had nothing. You climbed out of a hole I couldn't even see the bottom of. I think maybe when I went off to England, I was trying to measure up to you. Measuring up's over. Let's just look out for each other. Okay?>>完整场景
Doc White is a flight surgeon; he has volunteered for gunnery training so that he can go on the mission, because we can't spare the weight of an extra man.>>完整场景
Though we cannot understand why our friends should die while we live, we can affirm our truest selves in our belief that any God worth divinity would choose both justice and mercy, and would take these fallen brothers and sisters into eternal peace. Amen.>>完整场景
GENERAL MARSHALL We've done studies. We're confident we would turn them back eventually...after they'd gotten as far as Chicago.>>完整场景
The navy's planes are small, carry light loads, and have short range. We would have to get them within a few hundred miles of Japan, and therefore risk our carriers. And if we lose our carriers, we have no shield against invasion.>>完整场景
Mr. President, Pearl Harbor caught us because we didn't face facts. This isn't a time for ignoring them again. There are no planes in the entire American arsenal capable of covering the distance to Japan from any land base we control while carrying enough bombs to do any damage whatsoever.>>完整场景
Gentlemen, the crisis we face is not the fact that our enemies believe they can defeat us -- it's the fact that our people believe it too. I want a plan -- a workable plan -- to hit the heart of Japan, to bomb them the way they have bombed us.>>完整场景
The facts speak for themselves. With confidence in our armed forces -- with the unbounding determination of our people -- we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war -- The words echoes out across America -- ROOSEVELT'S VOICE War...war...war... It rings through the radios of farm houses, to country boys gathered round; in the pool halls of big cities; in the fire houses and high schools... THE LINES AT RECRUITING STATIONS all across America -- men line up faster than the recruiters can handle them.>>完整场景
OVER THIS, we see the bombing, the aftermath, the bodies being fished from the oil-soaked harbor.>>完整场景
SAILOR FLASHLIGHT Because we would find them.>>完整场景