
pron. 他的


Trump has been on the move his whole life.Golf rallies, movement, action, sunlight, fresh air, freedom. This isn't lawfare.This is torture. They're making 77 year old man sit in a room for 8 hours straight, four days a week.>>完整场景
I've been trying to call him, but he won't get back to me no, he's on vacation with his wife's family! They're in England!>>完整场景
The premiums on the swaps ate into his desks profit to cover his triple-b shorts, he sold a lot of a- and double-a swaps as protection, a lot!>>完整场景
Then the synthetic cdo was the atomic bomb with a drunk president holding his finger over the button it was at that moment in that dumb restaurant with that stupid look on his face that mark baum realized the whole world economy might collapse!>>完整场景
And then meet me over at standard & poors, we're gonna talk to Georgia get that f*** Jared vennett I want to bash his f***ing head in uh, gentlemen... I spoke with mark baum>>完整场景
Tell him to get his ass down here so, sub-prime loans go bad, but sub-rime bonds, which are made up of sub-prime loans, are more valuable?>>完整场景
He'd let it go for that... I don't it will break his heart, but he'll let it go why is he selling?>>完整场景
Mortgage fraud quintupled since 2000 and the average take-home pay is flat, but... Home-prices are soaring, that means the homes are dead, not assets so Mike burry of San Jose, a guy who... Gets his haircut at supercuts, and doesn't wear shoes, knows more than Alan greenspan and Hank Paulson... I haven't talked to Hank, but yes he does.>>完整场景
Wait, has that a**hole not been paying his mortgage?>>完整场景
Your landlord filled out his mortgage application using his dogs name?>>完整场景
You can't hate him! He is so transparent in his self-interest that I kinda respect him.>>完整场景
He's playing us, he's got too much skin in the game, and he's dumping his position.>>完整场景
Look at his eyes!>>完整场景
Look at his face!>>完整场景
And a hell of a trader, which is the only reason they put up with his bullshit optimism.>>完整场景
Bennie lost his father to a violent crime when he was young just like mark, he didn't talk about it.>>完整场景
His small team his... Distrust of the system.>>完整场景
Mark refused to kiss the ring of the people with the checkbooks, so he had to set up his fund under Morgan Stanley's umbrella.>>完整场景
His head must have caught up with his hole or do something... I don't know.>>完整场景
Then a tragedy happened to mark and it turned his whole world really dark and ready to believe the whole system was a lie.>>完整场景
Later Baum started his own fund on wall-street.>>完整场景
But, one day his rabbi told his mom why.>>完整场景
I'm supposed to be getting him to invest in a fund, instead, I start drilling him about overdraft analysis and how his bank will let customers write ten... twelve cheques before telling them they're overdrawing.>>完整场景
Calo will pay him a visit at his home.>>完整场景
A Sicilian. l don't know his name.>>完整场景