
pron. 他的


They stop at the end and look down at the sea far below them; it's dizzying. Anthony shoves Red for fun before grabbing his shoulder to stop him from falling.>>完整场景
I wasn't sure, until the day you turned up alive. I never had a chance to tell him. Now I can't have him thinking about this when he needs to be thinking about his mission, and how to come back from it.>>完整场景
INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Rafe enters his room and finds the light on...and Evelyn's there waiting.>>完整场景
MONTAGE - INTERCUT with the planes practicing their short takeoffs, we see Roosevelt in one of his fireside chats, his voice broadcast across America... ROOSEVELT'S VOICE Good evening, America... Families all across America are gathered around radios, listening.>>完整场景
Rafe's angry; Danny's laughing -- but he scares the sh*t out of his crew.>>完整场景
Rafe brings his plane down, smoothly. Then Danny's plane appears -- under him. Rafe jerks his nose up quickly.>>完整场景
MONTAGE CONTINUES - EXT. EGLIN FIELD RUNWAY - DAY Pilots practice hard, revving the engines, taking off hard...all of them crossing the red line, takeoff after takeoff. Rafe pushes his engine hard and still crosses by twenty feet; Danny pushes even harder, and misses by ten feet.>>完整场景
Who'll be the first one in, Colonel? I'd like to volunt -- Rafe elbows his ribs so hard it takes his breath away.>>完整场景
Doolittle looks up from his paperwork for the first time.>>完整场景
He takes her into his arms, kisses her tenderly but briefly, a final time. Evelyn's eyes find Rafe, but he can't look at her until the embrace is over.>>完整场景
Everyone is in their best uniforms. The pilots -- Rafe, Danny, and the other guys -- are looking at Billy's coffin; Evelyn, next to Danny, on his appropriate side is looking at one that belongs to Betty. So is Red; he's grieving.>>完整场景
Roosevelt places his hands on the arms of his wheelchair, and struggles to lift himself. Aides jump to help him, but he waves them off. With inhuman physical effort, that has his neck veins bulging and sweat popping on his face, Roosevelt stands on his withered legs.>>完整场景
INT. WHITE HOUSE - DAY Roosevelt meets with his advisors.>>完整场景
Aides help Roosevelt from the chair, and the press people all see the President struggle on legs that have no strength, to the podium. His aides lock the steel clasps at the knees of his braces into place, and the President stands at the microphone. And suddenly, from the front, Roosevelt looks powerful, even majestic.>>完整场景
It looks hopeless to find a single sailor here; but then they see a powerful black sailor, pulling to the dock with a dinghy full of dead men retrieved from the water. As workers unload the bodies, the black sailor sits down, exhausted physically and emotionally, his head in his hands. Rafe and Danny approach him.>>完整场景
The irony is bitter in his throat.>>完整场景
INT. GENERAL SHORT'S OFFICE - DAY Short and his staff are assessing damage.>>完整场景
He's crawling around toward the bushes; his legs are shattered, but he's spotted a body. He reaches it, turns it over -- and it's headless.>>完整场景
The PHOTOGRAPHER records this with his black-and-white film camera. He is shaken, and yet he understands the magnitude of what he is recording -- the loss of America's innocence.>>完整场景
A sailor staggers toward the hospital from the Nevada. He is completely gray. Everyone stares at him, and then realizes he is nude, burned gray, his skin ash.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - POV THE ATTACKING PLANES - DAY The lead pilot in the next squad of Japanese planes spots the moving battleship, and leads his squadron on it.>>完整场景
INT. THE NEVADA'S BRIDGE - DAY The Captain is struggling to save his ship.>>完整场景
Critical -- front ward!... Give him morphine, he can't wait... The next body through is a pilot, wings on his uniform, his chest riddled with bullets -- and his face shot off. For a moment Evelyn falters, then she forces herself to check the dog tags... It isn't Rafe or Danny. Evelyn sags in guilty relief.>>完整场景
EXT. NAVAL STATION - DAY The gunnery sergeant and his marines run with a water-cooled machine gun, across the open ground, under fire.>>完整场景