
prep. 来自,从;今后;由于


Did the boy get something from me for Christmas?>>完整场景
Did you ever get such an order directly from Michael Corleone?>>完整场景
The VIEW ALTERS from Senator Kane to the Committee's attorney, Mr. Questadt.>>完整场景
The young men watch as the sign is hoisted into place. OUR VIEW goes from one to the other: Clemenza, Genco, Vito and Hyman Rothstein.>>完整场景
Of course, Signora Colombo can stay in the flat. Who were those miserable tenants to complain about noise from a poor animal...when they pay such low rent.>>完整场景
An amused Peter Clemenza steps forward from a local coffee house, to preside over the fuss. He's a 'big' man in the neighborhood, and loves a fight.>>完整场景
Go on; how do you say 'bread' in Italian? If you're from the neighborhood, you should know how to say 'bread' in Italian.>>完整场景
He carries his tools as he comes home from work. He is pursued and tormented by a couple of Italian youths, about his own age, eighteen.>>完整场景
The friend of my wife, a poor widow with no man to protect her, tells me that for some reason she has been ordered to move from your building. She is in despair. She has no money, she has no friends except those that live here.>>完整场景
He kisses his wife, who seems a big apprehensive. He shows her the fruit; and from her reaction knows she has something on her mind.>>完整场景
EXT. NEW YORK STREET - MED. VIEW - DAY (1920) He stops to pick out some choice oranges and peaches from a fruit stand. Then he reaches into his pocket for change.>>完整场景
We see Geary, and some of the Americans we had met, working their way through the crowds, shouting that they are Americans in order to get preference on the line. Often that declaration brings 'boos' from the crowds.>>完整场景
The only one who is not completely taken off guard is Michael, who quietly steps back, and disappears from the room.>>完整场景
Slowly, understanding, Fredo backs away from his brother, taking the kiss another way.>>完整场景
Some nurses and attendants speak to the nurse in the room in Spanish; one has brought a small bottle of wine, and obviously they are inviting the nurse to have a New Year's toast with them. They laugh; and the nurse steps away from the room for a moment.>>完整场景
VIEW ON BUSSETTA hears footsteps, quickly steps away from the door, and into another room.>>完整场景
Bussetta watches from the distance of the hallway; after the old man has been moved, he quietly walks down the hallway to the room.>>完整场景
The embargo on arms shipments from the U.S. to your government, was just a necessary public relations move... Only last month, your air force received a major shipment of rockets... Michael glances at his watch; Fredo concentrates on this.>>完整场景
INT. THE SUITE - NIGHT Bussetta delicately picks up a small satin cushion that had fallen from the couch, and replaces it as though nothing had happened. Slowly he cracks the door open which adjoins Roth's bedroom. There is a slight commotion; whispered voices.>>完整场景
EXT. THE BALCONY - NIGHT Bussetta swings the body over the side of the balcony railing; tying the extension cord to the railing, and suspending the body so that it is invisible both from the inside and out during the night.>>完整场景
A moment elapses on the empty corridor, and then a roused Johnny Ola, opens the first door. He steps out into the corridor, to see who had knocked. Confused, he is about to return inside, when Bussetta easily breaks his neck in two from behind.>>完整场景
INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - MOVING VIEW ON BUSSETTA - NIGHT The first time ever away from Michael, moving toward us quickly. He stops, knocks on the door of Roth's suite.>>完整场景
You and I will go in a special car that's being sent. They'll have cocktails... then dinner, and a reception with the President. When it's over, it will be suggested that you take Questadt and his friends from Washington to spend the night with some women. I'll go home alone in the car; and before I reach the hotel, I'll be assassinated.>>完整场景
MED. VIEW Fredo's party standing on the ramp, looking down at the spectacle. They're a little woozy from the drinks and late hour. Michael is with them, but now we sense he is using this time, with all exhausted and drunk, to come to some important conclusions.>>完整场景
(pushing away from the palm outstretched little hands of the boys) Goddamn beggers. Goddamn city of beggars and pimps and whores. And we bend over backwards to support them with the goddamn sugar quota.>>完整场景