
n. 罐头,一罐;金属容器


As can be seen so often in history, less is more. Too much water drowned the miller.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
You can start living in the language by learning about the culture around that language. Music is a big part of every culture.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Highlight the most relevant items from your profile to demonstrate your experience and skills. You can add up to four highlights total.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
carrots and oranges. Eat more carrots. They can improve your eyesight.
>> questions
yes I do , They taste good and they're very rich in vitamin C and fiber, so eating fruit and vegetables every day can improve my health.
>> questions
Yes, it's very important because maths skills can help students better understand science, technology and the world around them. Maths can also help students think in a more logical way.
>> questions
They give us information about new products. creative , entertaining. you can see celebrities. businesses , advertisements are good marketing tools.
>> questions
Yes, I like to going to parks because they can help me get closer to nature. The fresh air makes me feel calm and peaceful. I also enjoy listening to birds chirping when I'm in a park.
>> questions
Playing outside can also reduce their stress and improve their concentration.
>> questions
Yes,outdoor games can help children develop an active lifestyle.
>> questions
Yes, I can manage my time well. I like to make daily schedules and plan my activities ahead. I also try to complete my tasks on time.
>> questions
What types of public transport can be found in your hometown?
>> questions
What's your full name? Can you tell me your full name please?Can I see your ID card please?
>> questions
What can I possibly do if I don't fully understand a question? You can ask the examiner to repeat a question if you did not hear it clearly.
>> questions
what are the ways that social media can be used for positive purposes?
>> questions
set reasonable study targets that you know you can reach.
>> Titles
If English is a skill , You just need to master daily language first ,and then use them as possible as you can. Improve your skill like rolling a snowball.
>> Experience in learning English
You don't need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!
>> 52-A Pretty Carpet
That's the best compliment a test-prep book author can possibly get, right?
>> some easy sentences
Casinos, like Shakespearean plays, can be fun.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Hey, it’s our trip! The beauty of not making reservations ahead of time is that we can change our plans if we want.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Am a 24 year old Kenyan, just finished my college yet to graduate on December with a bachelors in IT. How can I get job in China? In my college years I used to do teaching kids in our country and recently undertook the TEFL 120 hrs, I have been doing online application in hiredchuna, echinacities, indeed, glassdoor and all other platfroms but never gotten shortlisted. Can I ever get lucky or I should just give up?
我是一名24岁的肯尼亚人,刚刚完成大学学业,还没有在12月以IT学士学位毕业。我怎样才能在中国找到工作?在我的大学时代,我曾经在我们国家教孩子们,最近我参加了120小时的TEFL,我一直在做网上申请,在hiredchuna, echinacities, indeed, glassdoor 和所有其他平台上,但从未入围。我能幸运吗,还是应该放弃?
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Recruiter is right here. Hangzhou and Suzhou are highly sought after locations and not true T1 cities. With no experience you might be able to get about 20k but that's about where you would top out. You can get more in Beijing.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
I make 4.3k usd after tax per month. Training center. You can get 23-25k rmb depending on your nationality “looks like a foreigner”.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
I'm telling you , if you do this in front of your client's face, I mean during a face to face meeting or call your client, there are 80% even 90% of the chance your client will give you a schedule, and when they are going to place next order. so you can make a plan accordingly . I'm going to follow up after 2 weeks or after 2 months.
>> Your price is way too high