
adj. 法定的;法律的;合法的


What could you do with $100 million?" He would help with connections with auditors, legal tier-three banks.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
But this time, the lies at the center of the scam were 100 percent legal.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
I had to swear an oath before we began the deposition phase and I don't want to get arrested for perjury so I have a legal obligation to say no.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
I went to a 3-L at Student Legal services and he told me to write them back.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
No, it says I could face legal action.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
The letter says we could face legal action.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
MARYLIN, the attractive second year associate who's on Mark's legal team is still sitting too... about four seats down from Mark.
>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
Every night, seven o'clock. Jo, before you come over tonight, pick up a carton of legal pads, a half-dozen boxes of red pens, a half-dozen boxes of black pens. Sam get a couple of desk lamps. I need you to start on a preliminary medical profile and Jo, we need all the fitness reports on Dawson, Downey and Santiago. The only thing I have to eat is Yoo-Hoo and SugarSnacks, so if you want anything else, bring it with you.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
KAFFEE's in his late 20's, 15 months out of Harvard Law School, and a brilliant legal mind waiting for a courageous spirit to drive it. He is, at this point in his life, passionate about nothing... except maybe softball.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
I'd like them moved up to Washington and assigned counsel. Someone who can really look into this. Someone who possesses not only the legal skill, but a familiarity with the inner workings of the military. In short, Captain, I'd like to suggest that... I be the one who, that it be me who is assigned to represent them.
>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
Well, it was supposed to be legal.
>> 永无止境 Limitless Movie Script
(CROWD CHEERS) Come on. Is that even legal?
>> 创:战纪 TRON: Legacy Movie Script
A co-worker from the legal office.
>> 完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script
It says we do not employ you, offer you benefits, or pensions... or legal aid or medical assistance.
>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script
LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON Minister, we cannot have military decisions dictated by government committees! Nor can we put on hold a military operation at every stage for legal clarification. You tell us when to go to war, we conduct the war and you deal with the aftermath.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
James, the legal argument is that we could wait but that we need not wait. The military argument is that we should not wait.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Yes there is, but, conversely, it does not mean that there is not also a legal argument for releasing the weapon now.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
George, do I understand this correctly: that there is a legal argument for waiting and giving this girl an opportunity to sell her bread?
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
As the military members of your committee know, we have a points system that takes into account collateral damage to deduce what is, and what is not, a legal strike. And let me tell you, categorically, that the existence of this new circumstance does not push us beyond a legitimate military action. We are way off what we would consider a dispute in this matter.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
She’s the senior legal adviser on the US National Security Council.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Ma’am, the legal questions ofnecessity and proportionality arealmost certainly met. But for theprotection of you, and of thatchild, I would refer up to theAttorney General. That’s my advice.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Angela, I agree we are at risk of being perceived by the press as embarking on a ‘shoot to kill’ policy. But since all the legal criteria are sound - I believe we must allow this military action to continue.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
Angela, in my view all the legal criteria for an attack have been met, namely: This is a military necessity, there is no reasonable alternative, and the force to be used is in proportion to the threat. That should answer your question.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
GEORGE (CONT’D) There is a political as well as a legal call to be made here.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
COLONEL POWELL: Sir, legal has advised me to refer up to the Attorney General. I need a quick answer.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script