adj. 法定的;法律的;合法的
- And since you know the explosives are there, it is incumbent upon you to take account of them. I can see a potential legal objection.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- COLONEL POWELL: The plan is to put a Hellfire through the roof of this house. I need legal clearance and I need it now.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- COLONEL POWELL: I want legal in here now!>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- ANCHORMAN (V.O.) (continuing) ...and this almost identical killing two hours ago of a Venice resident with virtually the same name. Sarah Ann Connor, a 24 year old legal secretary, was pronounced dead at the scene in her beachfront apartment... A customer gestures for the bartender's attention.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- (continuing) Okay, let's see...Got a pos- itive on her. She's Sarah Connor, works as a legal-->> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- TERMINATOR (V.O.) ...the Remington 1100 Autoloader... WIDE as the CLERK, who looks like a sick lizard, pallid and paunchy, takes the rifle from a wall rack. He lays it beside the arsenal of perfectly legal anti-human artillery already on the glass counter.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- That's not legal at all.>> 反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script
- That's not legal, Ana.>> 反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script
- It's not legal, it won't happen like that.>> 反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script
- You guys are like legal professional gamblers?>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
- I would like you to know, similar case in many other countries are legal There wouldn't even be grounds for prosecution.>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
- That's legal?>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
- is solving a mystery. And by doing what you do so well - Your recent legal mishap of yours notwithstanding.>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script
- Youre referring to your recent legal problems.>> 龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script
- Thank God there are still legal ways to exploit developing countries.>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
- The guns are bigger than the boys! There is nothing illegal about what I do! I don't care if it's legal! It's wrong! Please, stop.>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
- White, being legal.>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
- Of course, you'll still be you in a legal sense, but think of it as a thinner, more attractive, better you than you could ever become without us.>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
- KAT:
- Anything legal... Then back to the Protagonist briefing Neil...>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
- Uh, heh, are you even legal?>> 恋恋书中人Ruby Sparks Movie Script
- We needed to make sure that we did Not shoot ourselves in the foot from a legal standpoint.>> 硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script
- It's perfectly legal. Go ask the IRS, they'll say the same thing.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- In all this legal maneuvering something got lost.>> A Time to Kill Movie Script
- It is not legal.>> Son of God Movie Script
- My legal team is the best there is.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script