adj. 偶数的;相等的;平坦的>> 例句
  1. Not even your own.
  2. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field.
  3. No because I don't like Russian as a language. I love it . I even have a blog in Russian. but I need to practice, I need to stay in English as much as I can and I feel that more people will be able to get my ideas , to get my thoughts, to read me if I use international language, English is an international language.

adj. 使人愉快的;令人喜欢的;爽快的>> 例句

    n. 永恒;永生;不朽;(似乎)无穷无尽的一段时间 >> 例句

      vt. 登记;把...记入名册;使加入;使入伍>> 例句

        vt. 必需,使承担;[律]限定继承>> 例句
        1. - What would that entail?

        n. 短程旅行;远足;离题;偏移;游览圆; voyage 远。。。>> 例句

          adj. 排斥(性)的;排除在外的>> 例句