
新概念第二册创建于31 Mar 17:21

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96-The Dead Return

[00:11.01]What happens to the lanterns at the e...

95-A Fantasy

[00:09.57]Why was the Ambassador particularly l...

94-Future Champions

[00:11.29]What kind of race do the children com...

93-A Noble Gift

[00:10.70]Where was the Statue of Liberty made?...

92-Asking for Trouble

[00:10.40]Why did the policeman ask the writer ...

91-Three Men in a Basket

[00:11.12]Where was the station's Commanding Of...

90-What's for Supper?

[00:10.32]What kind of fish are they? [00:14.6...

89-A Slip of the Tongue

[00:10.50]Who made the only funny joke that eve...

88-Trapped in a Mine

[00:10.10]Why is the rescue taking so long? [0...

87-A Perfect Alibi

[00:11.31]What was wrong with the man's story? ...

86-Out of Control

[00:10.76]What was the danger? [00:14.45]As th...

85-Never Too Old To Learn

[00:10.57]How long has Mr. Page been teaching? ...

84-On Strike

[00:10.29]Who will be driving the buses next we...

83-After the Elections

Why did Patrick keep on asking the same questio...

82-Monster or Fish?

[00:11.44]What was the monster called? [00:15....


[00:09.76]Why did the prisoner attack the drive...

80-The Crystal Palace

How many people visited the Great Exhibition of...

79-By Air

Why did the plane turn back? I used to trave...

78-The Last One?

For how long did the writer give up smoking? ...

77-A Successful Operation

Did the doctors find out how the woman died? ...

76-April Fools' Day

What was the joke? 'To end our special news ...


How did the woman get help? When a light pas...

74-Out of the Limelight

Why was their disguise 'too perfect' ? An an...

73-The Record-Holder

Did the boy go where he wanted to? Children ...

72-A Car Called Bluebird

What mistake was made? The great racing driv...