vt. 使有胆量,使大胆>> 例句

    adj. 口头的;不成文的;没有记录的>> 例句

      vt. 为…命名;为…施洗礼>> 例句

        vt. 给…居住权;移植>> 例句

          vt. 使患病;使恶心;使嫌恶>> 例句

            adj. 绸的;柔软的;丝制的>> 例句

              adj. 土制的;陶制的;地球上的>> 例句

                adj. 悲伤的,伤心的>> 例句

                  vi. 显得新鲜;减少咸味;精神饱满>> 例句

                    n. 脾脏;坏脾气;怒气>> 例句

                      adj. 负有义务的;蒙恩的;对…表示感谢的>> 例句

                        vt. 打扮;用嘴整理;赞扬>> 例句

                          adv. 当时;然后;那么;于是;此外>> 例句

                            adj. 偶数的;相等的;平坦的>> 例句
                            1. Not even your own.
                            2. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field.
                            3. No because I don't like Russian as a language. I love it . I even have a blog in Russian. but I need to practice, I need to stay in English as much as I can and I feel that more people will be able to get my ideas , to get my thoughts, to read me if I use international language, English is an international language.

                            n. 负担;责任;船的载货量>> 例句
                            1. A huge burden of fear had been lifed. I'll never forget that moment. It was a time for rejoicing.
                            2. It was my burden to bear.
                            3. He asked me to leave him, he didn't want to be a burden to me.