16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores


Canker sores typically heal on their own with time. But over-the-counter products, including mouth rinses and topical gels, may relieve pain and help them go away faster.

11. Sage, People have traditionally used sage tea to remedy mouth inflammation . Sage mouthwash works as a general mouth rinse for many oral problems. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties. It may also help relieve pain.
You can find sage mouthwash in most pharmacies and use it as directed. Or, you can make your own sage rinse: Add boiling water to 1 to 2 tsp. of fresh sage leaves.
Steep for at least 5 minutes.
Strain and let the solution cool.
Swish the rinse around your mouth for a couple of minutes.
Swallow the rinse or spit it out.
12. DGL mouthwash, DGL mouthwash contains deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), an herbal licorice extract. It may reduce pain and healing time in people with mouth ulcers, due to its anti-inflammatory abilities, according to 2022 research. Some people also use it as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers. DGL is available in supplement form, which you can use to make mouthwash.
To use: Mix the powder of one DGL capsule (200 milligrams) with 1 cup of warm water.
Swish the solution around your mouth for about 3 minutes.
Spit it out.
DGL is also available as a mouth patch to help shrink canker sores. You apply the patch to a sore and leave it in place for at least 30 minutes.
14. Zinc lozenges, If your immune system is weakened, canker sores may thrive. Zinc is a mineral that supports your immune function. Zinc lozenges may help your immune systemTrusted Source fight off bacteria that cause canker sores. It may also speed up healing time.
Zinc lozenges are available online and at most pharmacies. They may contain other ingredients, such as echinacea. You usually dissolve one in your mouth. Check the manufacturer’s directions to see how often you should do so.
15. Vitamin B complex supplement, You may get canker sores more often if your diet is low in vitamin B12. It’s unclear exactly how vitamin B12 heals canker sores, however.
According to a 2009 study, participants taking 1,000 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily had fewer canker sore outbreaks, fewer sores overall, and less pain than those taking a placebo. More current research is still needed to validate this.
Other B vitamins may also help. A vitamin B complex supplement contains all eight B vitamins, including B12. Vitamin B complex supplements may cause side effects, so consult a doctor before use.
16. Watermelon frost, Traditional Chinese medicine suggests watermelon frost may treat canker sores. But more research on watermelon frost is still needed to determine if it is a safe and effective remedy.
You can find it as a: powder, tablet, spray.
Apply it directly to the sore for pain relief and quicker healing.
You can buy watermelon frost from an Asian herb store or online or make your own.
Consider contacting a doctor or dentist if your canker sore is caused by a jagged or sharp tooth or a dental hygiene tool.
You can develop canker sores from a mouth injury, like biting the inside of your cheek, a viral infection, stress, or another health condition, such as a food allergy. You may be more likely to develop them if you have certain vitamin deficiencies.
Canker sores can go away on their own, but OTC treatment options, including mouth rinses and lidocaine-containing gels may reduce pain and mouth bacteria and support recovery.
Does salt help canker sores?
Gargling with salt water may help dry out canker sores but is likely to cause pain. You can also gargle with an OTC mouthwash.