2306-My English Record in Daily Work and Life



Whatever requirement or constraint you have, it must come with a name not a department. Because you can't ask a department, you have to ask a person. And that person must agree that ... the must take responsiblity for that requirement.
Everyone's been trained in high school or college to that you got answer the question. So you can't tell the profession your question is dumb. You'll get a bad grade. You have to answer the quesion. So everyone's basically without knowing they got like a mental strained action on it, that is they are working optimizing the thing that simply should not exist.
Step One:
Make your requirement less dumb.
Delete the part of process step. If you are not deleting the part of process step at least 10% a time, You are clearly not leading enough.
Simplify or Optimize. The 3rd step, not the 1st step. The reason is because it's very common... possibly the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize a thing that should not exist.
And then finally you got to Step 4 which is accelerate cycle time. You are moving too slowly, go faster. But don't go faster until you work through the other three thing first. If you are digging your grave , don't dig it faster. Stop digging your grave.
And then the final step is automate. And I personally made mistake of going backward on all five steps multiple times.
what time will your plane arrive tommorrow?
plane arrive 中间有连音,容易听成 player
can I get you some black tee?
we waited for a taxi for ten minutes yesterday.
Your shoes are under the table.
He lays under a blanket.
There is a box underneath the floorboards.
She lifted the cover and peeped underneath.
We need to paint the underneath with a rust preventer.
The apartment below ours.
mist lay in the valley below.
beneath the silvery moon.
The cliff and the ocean beneath.
When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.
当飞机抵达时,一些侦探正在主楼内等待,而另一些侦探则在机场等待。两名男子从飞机上取下包裹,将其带入海关。Customs House
There are everywhere. Every state's capital has a tent city, a drug street. What a shameful sight for a democratic and rich country. Oh, i forgot, they don't know what's shame.
They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.
A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.
The whole area became a desert and then lay waste for hundreds of years.
整个地区变成了沙漠,然后荒废了数百年。 lay waste 荒废
I was tired of having a farmer's tan.