2024-03 double-sided


prove(证明) => proof(证据) => probe(调查/探针)=> prob-able(可以调查的,就是有可能的)=> probably disprove 证明...是错的=>approve(批准,也就是证明是对的)=>disapprove(不赞成) I need a new battery for my laptop. 我的电脑需要一个新电池。

Can we get gas at the next rest stop?
Look ,there's a sign for the great canyon.
The world is in the journey, rather than standing at the dock.
There is no problem with the engine.
We can get to the market on foot.
Is there a problem with the tire on the left?
To throw a ball, put a ball in your hand. Next, move your arm and open your fingers. Look! The ball is flying now!
First, put some cereal in a bowl.
When I work from home, I still put on makeup.
I need a new battery for my laptop.
I can't hear you very well.
we had fun travelling by air.
We can take the tram in London.
Wow, I've never flown business class before.
We're going to travel all over the United Kingdom!
I don't want to go on foot, let's go by tram.
The boat tour costs thirty pounds.
Have you ever seen the River Thames before?
How much is a two-day pass?
The reason that we're here is to have afternoon tea.
The bus tour is sixty pounds, including dinner.
A two-day pass is fifty pounds, including a tour guide.
Cycling tours are popular with tourists!
There's a crowd standing around Big Ben.
I'll explain the details of tomorrow's tour before dinner.