
prep. 关于;大约


- What about Jack?>>完整场景
The feast is about to begin.>>完整场景
What about Elizabeth?>>完整场景
Cannot say about Jack, but you'll find a ship there.>>完整场景
Can't say about Jack Sparrow, but there's an island just south of the straits where I trade spice for... mm, delicious long pork.>>完整场景
- Jack's hat! Bring her about!>>完整场景
I'm sorry about the chalices, chap but I have an appointment to keep. I'll not be goin back.>>完整场景
- What about that?>>完整场景
Be nice to have a map about now. Or a ship.>>完整场景
What about the one taking one.>>完整场景
What about Blackbeard ?>>完整场景
- Come about !>>完整场景
Bring her about.>>完整场景
Him? Churchly fellow. Always goin on about the lord almighty.>>完整场景
I don't want the United States to forget about this and that it could happen again.>>完整场景
It's hard to be kind of objective about science when you're staring face-to-face on a uniform that's been there for 75 years on the USS Arizona.>>完整场景
- That has to tell us about the interior condition.>>完整场景
- Really the push is to get below the second deck, because we think the third deck holds the key to the environment of Arizona, information about the microbiological environment, about the dissolved oxygen.>>完整场景
- I think about the first thing we saw on the Arizona was a bunch of ashes blowing off of this ship.>>完整场景
And people always ask about human remains and the people that lost their lives in the Arizona.>>完整场景
(ship exploding) - Fireball probably went about a thousand feet in the air.>>完整场景
- We saw the newsreels about that, but that didn't mean much to us.>>完整场景
I think about it every day, how many people didn't make it that day.>>完整场景
Then he got into Annapolis, and spent about four years there, and graduated in 1940.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Little is known about the condition of the Arizona's interior.>>完整场景