
prep. 关于;大约


- [Narrator] 75 years after the attack, the National Park Service is about to board the Arizona once more.>>完整场景
Flash them and ask about their supply.>>完整场景
I want you thinking about that too. Just come back.>>完整场景
I wasn't sure, until the day you turned up alive. I never had a chance to tell him. Now I can't have him thinking about this when he needs to be thinking about his mission, and how to come back from it.>>完整场景
I take it back, about the flowers. We're all gonna die.>>完整场景
You're just about the only pilots in the Army with actual combat experience, so you're volunteering for a mission I've been ordered to put together. Do you know what top secret is?>>完整场景
Whatever is was you heard about us.>>完整场景
Miller nods, and looks out over the harbor, a hellish place where black smoke still hangs over everything, the shattered remains of men and ships still in the harbor. It's total devastation. And yet something about that scene stirs something else in Dorie Miller.>>完整场景
Well, son, we won't worry about the dinghy today.>>完整场景
Evelyn runs in, snaps open the cabinet, grabs a bag of morphine sticks, and is about to run out again when she sees the Arizona go up.>>完整场景
(he hangs up) They say don't worry about it.>>完整场景
Rafe stand slowly, nodding as if he knows the punch was what he deserved. Danny's about to apologize when once more Rafe knees him in the balls.>>完整场景
We were both torn up. I started dropping by to see her, because we understood what each other felt. We'd have coffee and try not to talk about you, but we always would.>>完整场景
Let's go get a drink. Unless you're scared to talk about it.>>完整场景
Don't worry about that. Guys away from home, lonely, good-hearted women try to cheer them up.>>完整场景
He looks toward the horizon, when the last light of day fades to black. There's something he thinks about saying, and doesn't. Then...>>完整场景
I swore not to talk about him tonight, but there's all this stuff I think I ought to tell you, that he didn't get a chance to. Rafe was...he was lonely. He had such high expectations of himself that he always felt empty. The week he met you he told me he felt his heart had always lived in winter, and for the first time in his life he has seen the spring.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY A young amateur PHOTOGRAPHER, about 16, wearing a hat with "PICTURES OF PARADISE" printed on it's crown is ready to snap a shot of Evelyn and her nurse friends having a picnic lunch on the lawn outside the hospital.>>完整场景
Someone from Tokyo asks a dentist how the ships are sitting... What are we supposed to do about that?>>完整场景
He told me about you. That he had no other friend like you.>>完整场景
What about easier to hit in an air raid?>>完整场景
Mai-tai's. I got this to tell ya, about mai-tai's.>>完整场景
Coma is one of those drunks who speak as if he's always about to burp.>>完整场景
Cold? No, I'm just thinking about a war.>>完整场景
NAVY GUY 2 So how about that drink? Or dinner?>>完整场景