
n. 电视;录像,录像机;视频


But, there are problems with the thrusters, and issues with the electronics cause the video feed to go down.>>完整场景
I have to make a video about World War I by Friday.>>完整场景
We had five cameras, sir, all connected to one video line, and we could switch between the cameras depending on what we needed to see.>>完整场景
See, underwater video cameras are a couple hundred bucks.>>完整场景
What are sticky video returns?>>完整场景
When this gentleman wants to check out a video, you get his card.>>完整场景
By video teleconference.>>完整场景
a present action that will continue: I'll still be editing this video later today.>>完整场景
lying in bed, coughing. Pale, one sick cookie. Maybe he's seven or eight or nine. He holds a remote in one hand, presses it, and the video game moves a little bit. Then he's hit by another spasm of coughing, puts the remote down.>>完整场景
FADE IN ON: A VIDEO GAME ON A COMPUTER SCREEN The game is in progress. As a sick coughing sound is heard.>>完整场景
There's a video message.>>完整场景
I read that the American video game habit annually consumes as much power as the entire city of San Diego.>>完整场景
But there's Nick van Owen, a video documentarian... Eddie Carr, who's a field equipment expert.>>完整场景
Muldoon heads for the door just as all the video monitors in the control room go out with a faint electronic ZIP.>>完整场景
51 THRUOMITTED: 52 53INTREAR CARNIGHT GRANT and MALCOLM still wait in their car. They don't notice, but the video screen in the middle of their front console suddenly goes black.>>完整场景
ACROSS THE ROOM, DENNIS NEDRY, sweat forming on his upper lip now, is staring at his video monitor. The supply boat is still docked on the island shore, but is now being buffeted by heavy waves. Nedry whispers sharply into the phone, arguing with the MATE of the ship again, who he can see on the video monitor.>>完整场景
47INTCONTROL ROOMDUSK HAMMOND is with RAY ARNOLD, staring at the video screens.>>完整场景
41ACROSS THE ROOM NEDRY stares at his video monitor, watching the boat. He's on the phone with the MATE, whose images he can see on the monitor. The seas around the dock are much rougher now.>>完整场景
41AINTCONTROL ROOMDAY HAMMOND and ARNOLD are watching the video monitors, displeased about something. Arnold is looking at one that gives them a view from the beach, looking out at the ocean. The clouds beyond are almost black with a tropical storm.>>完整场景
ACROSS THE ROOM: DENNIS NEDRY sneaks a peek at the video monitor. It shows an image of the steel door, plainly marked - - "EMBRYONIC COLD STORAGE.>>完整场景
I'm the only one who knows what's going on, etc, etc.... 39INTCONTROL ROOMDAY HAMMOND, MULDOON, and ARNOLD stare at the video monitor incredulously as everyone now pouts out of the cars and follows Grant down the hill.>>完整场景
It'll eat a lot of computer cycles; parts of the system may go down for a while - - Don't blame me. If I am playing...losing memory.... MULDOON, who has been hovering near the video monitors as always, turns towards them, annoyed.>>完整场景
35INTCONTROL ROOM DAY RAY ARNOLD watches his computer screen and the video monitors at the same time, keeping an eye on the cars as they move through the park. HAMMOND hovers over his shoulder.>>完整场景
34EXTJURASSIC PARK DAY IN THE REAR CAR, the Explorer's speakers BLARE with fanfare of trumpets, and the interior video screen flashes "Welcome to Jurassic Park." A familiar VOICE comes over the speaker: VOICE (O.S.) Welcome to Jurassic Park. You are now entering the lost world of the prehistoric past, a world - - VOICE (cont'd) creatures long gone from the face of the earth, which you are privileged to see for the first time.>>完整场景
32INTCONTROL ROOMDAY The Jurassic Park control room looks like a mission control for a space launch, with several computer terminals and dozens of video screens that display images of various dinosaurs, taken from all over the park.>>完整场景