
n. 电视;录像,录像机;视频


Lucy matches the hotel surveillance image with the image from the BEETLE and then types into the mission chatroom: “Confirm PID - Osman Abade.” B149 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON B149 POWELL stares at ABADE as he tests the video camera.>>完整场景
They’re gonna make a suicide video.>>完整场景
104 INT. ROOM - HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE - NIGHT 104 LUCY analyses images frame grabbed from the Reaper video feed as the WOMAN walked into the house. Her eyes scan them rapidly. She zooms in. But the woman has kept her covered head down and LUCY can’t see anything helpful.>>完整场景
That costume really isn't the look we're going for in the music video.>>完整场景
- We're looking for some pretty girls for our new video.>>完整场景
There will be a reception tomorrow... At the same time, someone pushes his hands into a piece of clay to make an imprint as a video crew films.>>完整场景
21 INT. BIG BOB'S/DINING AREA 21 HIGH WIDE SHOT prominently featuring a VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CAMERA F.G. as Sarah enters below. She passes under another video eye as she crosses the main floor of the wholesomely appointed eatery. Sarah goes through the swinging STAFF doors under a third camera.>>完整场景
Maybe if I'm lucky... play some f***in' video games, smoke a joint, and get stupid.>>完整场景
From the scene of that shooting, and we want to warn you that some of that video is very graphic... Bo's diner. What'll you have?>>完整场景
We understand what happened. / Did you see the video?>>完整场景
I saw it on the video. / Okay, yep.>>完整场景
Do you remember the video we did from the photos of Loredo?>>完整场景
And If I find a girl in here with you, whether she came of her own free will or not - No. Not the video.>>完整场景
If you fail, this video will spread across the Internet like a virus.>>完整场景
Fortunately, back then a video camera was a big as a bazooka Here I'd been running away from violence my whole life, and I should've run towards it.>>完整场景
I feel like I'm watching a Cher video.>>完整场景
Why buy just a video game from atari or on television.>>完整场景
Rod canion:
There weren't any video games.>>完整场景
The opening video of the Democratic Convention in 201 2... ''Government is the one thing we all belong to. '' No, government belongs to us.>>完整场景
We understand a video will be rolled out momentarily.>>完整场景
- Please state for the video record that you understand the nature of this study.>>完整场景
What if you’ve never met the person you’re talking to before? Then, after greeting them, it’d be polite to introduce yourself and ask for their name. You can learn how to do this in this video, where you’ll learn that the easiest way to introduce yourself is to give your name.>>完整场景

The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive. We cut to The satellite, which uploads a video feed of a city in flames at night with anti-aircraft fire shooting out from the ground.
It's for you... (beat) She wanted to tell you something. The father becomes very still. His eyes fill with a storm of confusion and pain. After the longest time, the father reaches and gently takes the box out of Cole's small hands.Cole begins to back away... The father gazes at Cole as he melts into the crowd. Cole reaches Malcolm and the two then slip out of the house. The father looks down in a daze. He goes to open the jewelry box. His movements are slow and strained. He lifts the latch and open the box. Mr. Collins stares at an unlabeled video cassette.>>完整场景

INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Cole closes the door behind him. He turns and gazes at the girl's bedroom. There's a hospital bed near the window. The walls are covered with get-well cards and drawings from family, friends, and school children. Her shelves are filled with puppets. All shapes and sizes of puppets. Next to the shelf is a puppet stage and a camcorder on a mini tripod sitting next to it. Cole walks to the shelf and picks up a FINGER PUPPET DANCER. He places it in his pocket. On the girl's desk, is a large collection of video cassettes. The labels read, "Puppet Show Christmas 96," "Puppet Show Birthday party," "Puppet Show class trip"... Cole reads the labels carefully before moving towards the closets. He passes the bed. AN EMACIATED HAND REACHES OUT FROM BENEATH THE BED AND GRABS COLE'S ANKLE. Cole jerks back startled. He watches as the girl's hand slips back under the bed. Cole stays very still. Waits. Nothing happens.He slowly bends down. His hands touch the floor. He tilts his head and looks under the bed. The emaciated little girl who came to his tent lays curled on the floor. Her bulging eyes glare at Cole. She moves suddenly. Thrusts a jewelry box forward. It slides across the wooden floor and stops just before Cole. Cole and the sickly girl stare at each other. Neither of them say a word.