
n. 电视;录像,录像机;视频


Heard that’s why you wanted the video, figured this’d expedite whatever it is you’re doing.>>完整场景
But my goddamn wedding video?>>完整场景
BARRY KLEINMAN: Jordan, hey. Listen, I got asubpoena. The FBI wants a copyof your wedding video.>>完整场景
123 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - GUARD HOUSE - DAY (FEB ‘95) 123 Mesmerized, ROCCO DAY watches a video screen, on which we see a grainy image of Naomi, hand between her legs.>>完整场景
111 INT. OCEAN CLUB - BAHAMAS - BALLROOM - LATER 111 As Jordan and Naomi mingle with a few Strattonites, videographer BARRY KLEINMAN, 40s, approaches Rugrat andhis DATE, ABBY with a video camera: The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 56.>>完整场景
RICHIE DIMASO: No I'm thinking big. This is gonna be fantastic. We're doing video surveillance. I'm doing this from the feet up.>>完整场景
Well... listen, good luck with your video game.>>完整场景
(DRYL Y) I don't know, but I'm really hoping it's video of kittens that look like the Marx Brothers 'cause I can never get enough file footage on my computer of animals doing... DIVYA trails off. We Slowly PUSH IN on his face as the blood starts draining away... MALE FRIEND: (PAUSE) Div?>>完整场景
He was best known for designing Tron and Space Paranoids, the two bestselling video games in history.>>完整场景
ENCOM CEO and video game icon Kevin Flynn has disappeared.>>完整场景
No. No, to be honest with you l just don't think war should become some kind of video game.>>完整场景
He's distributing secure video stream.>>完整场景
INT. RADAR ROOM Gunderson and an assistant are seated in front of radar screens. One of them is a video anti-aircraft game.>>完整场景
OFF the agents, holding an innocent man... 342 OMITTED 342 343 INT. LATIN AMERICAN INSTITUTE - LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM 343 -DAY Selena watches as Phipps plays a surveillance video ofUnion Station. Phipps suddenly freezes the image. Zooms in on a man in the middle of the crowd. Claudio.>>完整场景
Get a bomb team in there with dogs. Make 'em seeing-eye dogs if you have to. And pull whatever security video they have for the last two days.>>完整场景
CNN ANCHOR (V.O.) ... videotape from the terroristwho calls himself The Wolf... On screen, we now see a homemade video of a masked figurewearing a camo floppy hat and a hunter's mesh face maskwith a strange-smiling face painted on it in camo earth tones. The Wolf's body is hidden shadow, the voicedigitally altered to a deep bass growl.>>完整场景
66 VIDEO MONITORS 66 The video monitors show Gordy wrecking the IPC officewith a baseball bat.>>完整场景
Three agents work video and audio recording devices.>>完整场景
56 PHIPPS 56 reverses the video, freeze-frames on the cop.>>完整场景
Phipps moves to the next work area, where anotherFORENSIC EXPERT studies video from a consulate surveillance camera.>>完整场景
We're pulling up the video now.>>完整场景
No one knows quite what to say. On the Beetle screen, ABADE’S * recording of Muhammad’s suicide video continues. * 230 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 230 STEVE and CARRIE wait anxiously.>>完整场景
Jesus, they’re making a video... BENSON’S SECURE PHONE RINGS. * He answers. Listens briefly. Lowers the phone.>>完整场景
* * On the Beetle feed she sees RASHEED arms clasped across hischest, while ABADE moves MUHAMMAD into a kneeling position infront of the video camera.>>完整场景
154 INT. BRIEFING ROOM A - WHITEHALL - AFTERNOON 154 ABADE has finished checking his video gear. He exits the room. The beetle camera follows him as he heads down the corridor to the living room.>>完整场景