
n. 中文,汉语;中国人


- Step back in... - Or the Chinese and Colombians will.>>完整场景
He continues into the living room. It's a mess. SONNY asleep on the sofa. On the coffee table are the remains of a take-out Chinese food dinner, and a half-empty bottle of whisky. The radio is playing.>>完整场景
Can't you see us, the two of us, sitting together in Chinese dressing gowns, listening to the radio broadcast from Rome?>>完整场景
What, you... You want to build a Chinese wall in my apartment?>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW, GAO AND LI As they congratulate themselves, and gorge themselves on the huge tables of Chinese food.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON REAR OF COURTYARD Where a huge red sheet is pulled back to reveal tables laden with Chinese dishes, wine and other foods.>>完整场景
For forty years, Shaolin disciples have made their quest to deliver a scroll to me. You are not Chinese.>>完整场景
Drew turns around and see four dirty thugs and their leader – the one who hit the glass. They are yelling at Drew in Chinese, which he doesn't understand.>>完整场景
They are singing again, but this time the song is in Chinese!>>完整场景
It isn't happening. The boys are on one side, the girls are on the other. The music is bad Chinese rock and roll.>>完整场景
This sure beats sweeping... ANGLE ON FRISBEE Floating past temple statues and ancient Chinese decorations, barely missing them.>>完整场景
Watch carefully as I take him down, using techniques from shwai jyau, Chinese wrestling.>>完整场景
We are no longer Chinese or Americans, Han or Mongol. We are Shaolin. Everyone is a monk.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW WITH ASHEMA AND HER BAU BAU THERE Bau Bau speaks quickly in Chinese.>>完整场景
He walks off into the Chinese night.>>完整场景
Ashema says something to him, and he continues in Chinese.>>完整场景
I have to do this. I can't go home, not until I'm a monk. I'd be even more of a disgrace... The old man talks to Ashema for the first time. He chatters in Chinese, motioning towards Drew.>>完整场景
He continues in a stream of Chinese, and the other monks grab Drew and physically force him to stand up and start moving him towards the door.>>完整场景
The monk stops, his face a mask of shock. He calls to another monk, and they have a short conversation in Chinese.>>完整场景
(beat) This is a Chinese car.>>完整场景
I do. But wouldn't it make more sense for you to speak Chinese than to expect us to speak English?>>完整场景
He stops on the platform for a moment, a huge colorful Chinese billboard in the b.g. A transit cop quickly comes up to him and prods him into motion. Drew walks on, passing a sign that reads "Luoyang".>>完整场景
Kwan touches Drew's bruised cheek, fatherly love in his eyes. Drew nods his head, then bows in the traditional Chinese manner.>>完整场景
The area is dilapidated, but very clean, with all kinds of kung fu and Chinese paraphenalia lying around. Around the corner comes the spooky light, and (with music building to a crescendo), we see DREW CARSON, a muscular 16/17 year old, bowls of flaming wax on his bare shoulders, moving through the garage, practicing his kung fu maneuvers. He is kicking, punching, etc., occasionally spilling hot wax on his skin (INSERT).>>完整场景
The students are doing their own thing, and they are a mixture of old and young, men and women. They are not dressed alike, as they would be in a Karate school: they are dressed in old T-shirts and tattered sweat pants. This is not a wealthy school, by any means, and that is typified by the appearance of SIFU KWAN, who is walking through the students as they train. He is wizened old man, 70 years old if he is a day, and he is dressed in a fraying Chinese jacket, scruffy cloth shoes and a discolored Chinese T-shirt.>>完整场景